Make Your Net Auction Sell! by Sydney Johnston - HTML preview

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8.4. Add a Picture

Can you auction an item without a picture? Yes, but I definitely wouldn’t advise it. Do some research yourself to see if items without pictures sell as well as those who have them.

Some items absolutely require a picture. Can you imagine buying jewelry or art without seeing it? If you are selling a CD or a book, it may not be as crucial.


Here is one of the pictures that I used with the Fine China headline from above. I took this picture right off the Internet from my supplier...



There are two other ways to add pictures to your merchandise listing. The first way is to use a regular camera and then scan your developed photograph. If you are getting a picture from printed material, a scanner is the only way to put it in your listings. The second way involves a digital camera. A digital camera has the advantage of being instant with no film development required.

If you do not have a scanner or a digital camera, or one you can borrow, don’t buy them until you have done a few auction deals. Wait until you are sure you want to play the auction game and build a business. Once you definitely are on your way, I truly think one or the other is indispensable.
