Make Your Net Auction Sell! by Sydney Johnston - HTML preview

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3) Viewing Features

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00010.jpgIf you prefer the smooth look, check the box beside “Smooth Text and Images.” Otherwise, leave it unchecked...


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• Magnification
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00011.jpgor like this...


00012.jpgClick on the button and here’s what snaps up...


00013.jpg... Enter or select the magnification that you prefer.

If you have a small monitor (15-17”)...
To make the words as large as possible, maximize the window so that it takes up the whole monitor screen. Then click and choose “Fit Visible” (as shown above). Experiment with different settings.

If you have a large monitor (19” or greater)...
Maximize the window so that it takes up the whole monitor screen. Then click and choose “Fit Page.” This fits one entire page into the vertical dimension of the window (convenient for reading). Experiment with different settings and window sizes, as well as page display layouts (next)...
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00014.jpgor this...


00015.jpgIf you click on it, you can choose between the following page layout options...


00016.jpgSingle page -- displays one page in the document at a time.


Continuous -- arranges the pages in a continuous vertical column for easy scrolling.


Continuous - Facing Pages -- arranges the pages to appear side by side. This is only a good choice if you have a gigantic monitor.

