Make Your Net Auction Sell! by Sydney Johnston - HTML preview

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17.1. Your Own Product

Auctions are a great way to easily get the word out about your product. Let’s look at how one seller does it effectively. He uses a Dutch auction to sell a neck cream that is supposed to reduce wrinkles. The cost of the cream is $3. What’s his plan?...

1) Promote the Product’s Value -- The seller carefully promotes the value of his product. He claims that the “normal” cost is $240 per session. What a bargain and it’s only for eBay customers...

00147.jpgA premium product for a premium group at a premium discount!

2) Promote your Web Site -- This smart seller has an accompanying Web site which he promotes in his listing. As you will see, within two paragraphs he gives the address three times. He reduces the chance to nil that surfing eyes will breeze over that important reference...


3) Promote other auctions -- Never miss a chance to promote your other auctions...


4) Promote through pictures -- “A picture is worth a thousand words.” The seller uses a professional picture to reinforce the quality of his product and by extension, his whole business...


Of course, the emaciated Vogue model look may not appeal to everyone but we can be sure that she doesn’t have a wrinkled neck. Or so the picture suggests.


Use these four easy-to-do promotional techniques as a springboard to get you started. Keep track of new ideas that you discover on your Net travels. All visitors to your auction listing(s) are potential customers.

Funnel that auction traffic to your main business site and then monetize that traffic through different income sources -- affiliate programs (see below in 17.3.), e-books sales, services, etc. For more information about “monetization models,” visit

For a business owner, income from the auctions is the biggest and most concrete benefit. But you also win in the area of customer acquisition. For without customers, there are no sales.
