Shorten The Gap: Shortcuts to Success and Happiness by Mark Lack - HTML preview

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Simple Tricks and Affirmations to Help You Build Confidence

“A feeling of continuous growth is a wonderful source of motivation and self-confidence.”

— Brian Tracy

The biggest reason for lack of confidence is lack of preparation. Keep that in mind whenever you feel you need more confidence. You must simply spend more time preparing for whatever it is you feel a lack of confidence in.

Good things to practice to build overall better self-esteem and more confidence include:

Each day when you wake, tell yourself out loud, “Today will be a great day, because I will make it so. I will not allow negative things to distract me from achieving my goals for the day. I will focus on positive thoughts that make me happy, like the amazing future I will create for myself. I know that I am important, significant, and loved. I have complete control over my mind, emotions, and life. I am confident in myself, and I am capable of achieving anything I fully commit myself to. I am a great, successful, savvy (entrepreneur, teacher, mom/dad, business-owner, salesperson — anything you choose; fill in the blank ______).”

Repeat that throughout the day or while meditating. I also recommend creating your own positive reinforcing affirmations that build confidence and create a self-empowering mentality. That was just my recommendation and something I find to be helpful in building confidence and starting the day off right. You can choose your own positive affirmation and have it say anything you like.

It is important, if you feel stressed out or are experiencing any other negative energy, that you take a few minutes to meditate with some slow, deep breaths. Clear your mind of the negative energy, and get back to your day. You must have a clear mind and be in a good state of positive energy in order to feel your best and have more confidence. When you’re confident and you feel your best, you’re more productive and will produce better results.

Another very important thing to remember is that it does not matter what anyone says you can’t accomplish. You must always believe in yourself and your own potential — like Roger Bannister breaking the four-minute mile record.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”

— Mahatma Gandhi


Random Fact

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows that were made of stone.
