Shorten The Gap: Shortcuts to Success and Happiness by Mark Lack - HTML preview

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Sales and Its Everyday Application

Whether you’re aware of it or not, everyone uses sales in their life every day. Whether it’s the kid trying to persuade his parents for dessert after dinner, the husband trying to persuade his wife into letting him get a bigger TV or go golfing, the boy asking a girl out on a date, or arguing with your friends over where to go for dinner or to get a drink — the list goes on and on. We are always trying to get what we want, whether it benefits us or someone else. Why wouldn’t we all try our best to learn the skills that improve our odds of getting what we want? Most people’s ability to get what they want stems from the personality they’ve developed over their lifetime. They haven’t actually spent time learning or practicing the skills that increase their odds of getting what they want.

This is why some people believe you’re either born a good salesperson or you’re not. Mark McCormack, author of What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School, believes most of us are born salespeople, but we “un-learn” it as we grow up. It’s an interesting viewpoint when you think about it. Most kids are great at getting their way — they understand the basics of sales. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, and, with enough persistence, things will most likely work out in your favor.

Certain personality traits do help with getting your way, and personality traits develop and change — however subconsciously — over time. It is a misconception that good sales skills and the ability to get what you want are traits you have to be born with. Yes, some people are naturally better at influencing and persuading others, but the same skills that come naturally to them can be studied and learned by others.

How did people learn about being a good salesperson before there were books written on the subject? People had to learn from people who were “naturally” good at getting their way and influencing people. Today, we have the advantage of books and courses for us to study and learn what makes an individual good at persuasion. Anyone can study and practice the skill traits and become a great influencer and persuader. It just takes practice.

So the next time someone has changed your mind, persuaded you, or convinced you to do something, think of how they were able to do it. What did they say? How did they say it? What tone of voice did they use? Did they push any of your hotbuttons? Hotbuttons are a person’s biggest reason for being influenced or persuaded — especially to buy something. If a real estate agent is showing someone a house, and the prospective buyer loves that the backyard has a pool because they’ve always wanted their own house with a pool — that is their hotbutton. The agent should constantly be mentioning the pool, how perfect it is, and how the prospective buyer will be getting what they’ve always wanted, a pool. The agent should describe all the fun his prospect will have in the pool and maybe even let them take a swim. The prospect will most likely buy the house because of the pool. As long as the agent continues to push the prospect’s hotbutton, his chances for closing the sale dramatically increase. Asking great questions and the ability to listen and pick up on what an individual’s hotbuttons are is crucial for persuading and influencing another person.

Remember that we’re all trying to get our way. Even when it’s for someone else’s benefit, it would ultimately give you a feeling/emotion of giving, which is one of the deepest of all human needs and, so, it would actually benefit you. You should study some great strategies and techniques to get your way through influencing others.

Even if you’re not in a “sales position,” you will still benefit from reading the next chapter on Superstar Sales Strategies. You just might find some strategies to help you get your way more often.


Random Fact

Butterflies taste with their feet.
