Shorten The Gap: Shortcuts to Success and Happiness by Mark Lack - HTML preview

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The Successful Entrepreneur Lifestyle and Mindset

“The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.”

— Peter Drucker, Businessman

“Entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before final success. What sets the successful ones apart is their amazing persistence.”

— Lisa M. Amos

Constant and never-ending improvement is the key of the successful entrepreneur. They don’t limit themselves. They are involved in different business industries. They do not put their head down after a failure. They examine the reason they failed, learn from it, and prepare for their next lesson. They do not believe in luck but rather in persistent hard work and preparation for their opportunities. When success comes, they stay humble, continue to grow and develop, and learn to give back and help people who are less fortunate. They are appreciative, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic. They do not dwell on the past, but rather strive relentlessly toward their goals and the future they plan to create. They diversify themselves in many aspects of business. They create multiple streams of cash flow for themselves. They learn that, through delegating tasks, they can accomplish much more. They have good communication skills, and their relationship-building skills are outstanding. When they work, they work, and when they play, they play. They invest in themselves constantly. They have a great strategy for saving and investing. They understand that, through the process of creating a thought, backed with a plan of action, they can turn anything into reality.

Becoming a truly successful entrepreneur is a lot of work, but the rewards are worth it. If you have the determination and passion, you can become anything you want. Successful entrepreneurs do not like to be limited and therefore create plans that allow themselves to be limitless. If you want to be limitless, then you might want to consider taking on the entrepreneur lifestyle and mindset.

If being a successful business owner or entrepreneur is something you want to become. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of watching the television show Shark Tank. If you’re not familiar with the show, look it up on YouTube. The show will allow you to see how the decision making takes place at the upper level of business. Entrepreneurs negotiate and get their perspective on what’s important when making an investment.

Successful entrepreneurs build very successful, skilled, outstanding teams to surround themselves with. Having a great team plays a huge role in determining your business success. But even more importantly, a great team needs a great leader.

Want a really good book that describes the different levels of entrepreneurs and how to work your way up the ranks by following a simple set of rules and being very disciplined and committed? Check out Brad Sugars’ Billionaire Mindset part of the InstantSuccess series.


Random Fact

Albert Einstein never wore socks.
