Shorten The Gap: Shortcuts to Success and Happiness by Mark Lack - HTML preview

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Things to Start Practicing Every Day

Smile more

Take more deep breaths

Help others more often

Stretch your muscles


Listen to more personal-development audio in your car

Read more books to better yourself

Review this book and apply its strategies

Go to the beach (if you are blessed to live near one)

Tell your loved ones you love them more often

Enjoy yourself more often

Ask yourself what you’ve done to grow recently

Catch and eliminate your bad habits

Don’t be so hard on yourself and others

Eat better (I bet you’re not eating enough vegetables)

Exercise more

Listen to more music

Get enough rest

Take naps — they aren’t just for kids

Drink more water, at least a gallon (128 oz) a day

Use the Internet more often. It’s an amazing tool.

Learn to love more

Stay open minded


Random Fact

Certain types of snails can sleep for three years straight.
