The Art of Living Your Passion by Brian Agaba - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 – Goal Setting


Goal setting is important for many reasons. When you set goals you can see  forward progress, you have something to look forward to, and they help  create ambition. You must set goals in order to achieve them. 


When you set goals, the best thing you can do is attach a date on different 


Goals with milestones allow you to see the forward progress you are making  toward achieving your goal. You might consider making a chart with the  dates and step attached to it. Break down each step with tasks you need to  complete and things that need to be done. As you reach each milestone you


on the goal rather than say I plan on getting it done eventually. A date  makes the goal more real. So, as Albert noted, tie your passion to small,  broken down goals if you ever want to accomplish them when they still  matter.  


The closer you get to achieve your true passion, the more ambition you will  have to live out the dream and make it happen. If you need to brush up on  your skills first, then take a few classes. These classes will be a part of your  milestones and steps to get to where you want to get to. As you complete  each one, then you will have completed a milestone and closer. 


If your goals include steps that are very difficult to do and require a lot of  hard work on your part, do not be afraid to reward yourself for getting to  where you are in your project. Buy a bottle of wine and take the night off  and celebrate for reaching a goal. Do something to treat yourself for your  hard work. You deserve it and you are worth it.