Chapter 8 – Living Your Passion
When you live out your passions, there are many things you need to do with your attitude and your life in order to be successful. You will be a more successful individual with life and your passions when you practice these things. You can measure success any way that you want to. Success is not measured by money because anyone can make a lot of money. The goal is to make a lot of money by living out your passion. When you are working toward something you are extremely passionate about you will usually be fortunate enough to make some money. The important thing is that you can look back on your life and know you did everything you wanted to do and you have no regrets.
Be Whole
Your passion needs to make you whole. You need to focus on not just one thing but every aspect of your passion. Enjoy the experience in its entirety. Enjoy the process of ordering the parts and having them delayed for two
Be Passionate
When you are passionate about something, you don’t have to be a display of passion so other people can see you. Your passion comes from inside, and if you truly love what you are doing, then this will come naturally for you. You
Continuous Improvement
As you are living your passion, you will not be putting out the best every single time. You need to find ways to continuously improve processes that are slowing you down, causing poor quality, or frustrating you. When you continue to improve the process, you will do better as time goes by and begin to see how well you can do. Productivity improves after time once you find ways to make things better. When you first start off with your passion, everything may seem in disarray and a mess. You can fix this but it will take time and trials. You may try something fifteen times before you label a method as the most productive and quality method.
Action needs to be all around you when you are living your passion.
your passion by constant action.
You want to have people on your team that are action oriented also. Don’t have non-action oriented people work with you. If you have a really supportive aunt that likes to sit around and talk but not work hard, then you cannot have her help you with your passion. She may be the person you can have help you create hype for your endeavor or business but not to take action. Find a place for her so she can help because you need the support.
Always reward action. Never let action and goal setting go without rewards. You want to reward everyone helping you and yourself. This doesn’t mean you need to spend money you don’t have. You can reward someone by letting them know you appreciate what they are doing for you.
expert on them. Learn about how they became successful. This means you should know their entire autobiography.