The Netwriting Masters Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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5. Setting Your MWR… Before You Start Selling

Nothing happens by accident in the world of computers, the Net, and customer response. There is always a reason for what happens, good or bad, and that reason is you.
--Ken Evoy’s “e-commerce reality


The transition from “PREselling” content (i.e., high-value information that your target visitor is searching for) to “selling” copy (i.e. closing the deal and getting the order) is easier once you can clearly answer this question…

What do you most want your visitor to do when she is at your Web site?


Or to phrase it more simply…


What is your Most Wanted Response… your MWR?

The answer to that question is critical because you can’t start your visitor on a journey through your site until you know the exact destination where you want her to land. Once you set your MWR, you will write every word of your sales copy to reach that goal. Every headline, subheading, paragraph, sentence will be focused on getting your MWR.

So take a few minutes now and ask yourself the question… What is my Most Wanted Response when a visitor comes to my site?...


Is it to make a direct sale, straight off your site?


Is it to generate a lead through a response form so that you can follow-up offline?


Is it to convince your visitor to take up the offer for a 30 day free trial download for first-hand experience of the product?


Is it to get your visitor to subscribe to your newsletter, or enter a contest, or request your "freebie"?


Is it to hire your service?

Don’t stop thinking about it until you are sure that your chosen MWR is the best for your business. Write down whatever comes into your mind. No need to edit at this point. Let the ideas flow. Then change, refine and narrow it down until you are completely satisfied that... Yes! This is my Most Wanted Response.

Setting the MWR focuses you totally on getting a visitor to fulfill the action that will generate income for you, whatever that may be. Some examples to illustrate…

if you are Webmaster (a type of service seller), your MWR might be a click-through to your contact information page which provides your phone number or e-mail address for follow-up communication. The resulting phone call is where you close the deal and secure a work contract.
if you are selling a product (hard goods or e-goods), your MWR might be the click through to your order page or main sales site.

if you are an affiliate, you MWR might be a click through to the sites of the merchantpartner that you represent. In this case, there are two “Most Wanted Responses” involved, yours and your merchant’s!



OK, let’s keep moving forward. In preparation for the next part of The Netwriting Masters Course, you have a quick assignment. Please review the sales copy of this particular SBI! business-specific Web sales page…


Closely examine these six important components….


1) The MWR
The Opening Headlines


3) The Opening Paragraphs 4) All the Sub-headings


5) The Links to the MWR.


6) The Body Copy itself.


No need to rush! Take your time. Really get a feel for the site and its content.


Back already? Great!


So what was the MWR?

That’s simple… The MWR is for the visitor to click through to the order page and buy Site Build It!. Once the MWR is established, the goal of each component is to pull the reader to the next component… from Opening Headline to Opening Paragraph to Subheadings to Body Copy to MWR.

As you can see, all the copy was written with the MWR in mind. It reflects the needs of the auction seller (already in the business or just starting out) and provides her with an affordable solution…

With Site Build It!, she can build and own a stable diversified online business that generates lots of targeted traffic and income. Success is guaranteed.

The content on this Web illustrates how the six key components ( MWR, Opening Headline, Opening Paragraph, Sub-headings, links to the MWR, and Body Copy) all combine to “warm up” a visitor and then convert her “open-to-buy” attitude into a sale.

Soon, your sales copy will be doing the same.


00002.jpgSoon you ask? Yes, very soon… but don’t close this book just yet. There’s still work to do…

