The Netwriting Masters Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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4.1.2. PREselling… The Profitable Heat Wave

PREselling , on the other hand, warms up your visitor with high-value information that fosters trust and credibility. Your information fulfills a wish and/or provides a much sought-after solution for her. As a result of this positive/beneficial experience, the visitor begins to like and respect you.

Great content encourages your visitor to think about you as a “friend” making a recommendation rather than a stranger making a sales pitch. And if you create a truly info-rich site, you’ll actually become a trusted expert, sharing your wealth of information.

Effective PREselling creates an open-to-buy (or open-to-hire) frame of mind in your visitor and gets the click through to your monetization model. It’s this “openness” to find out more about you and your business that produces higher Conversion Rates and generates more income for you.

The key is to reinforce your credibility to your visitor/potential customer every step of the way. To accomplish this, get inside your visitor’s head and think about how she will react to your PREselling efforts.

Whatever you do, consider the impact on your visitor...


If it does not make her more “open to buy or hire,” don’t do it. PREsell your way to high Conversion Rates.


It’s easy to summarize the whole point of effective PREselling with this question...


Which person would you respond to?


A stranger with a sales pitch...




A knowledgeable friend making a recommendation?


00001.jpgNo matter what your business may be, the key is to building targeted traffic is…

Deliver excellent content that pulls in warm, motivated visitors, who become PREsold about you and your business and who then buy your products/services, or click on your ads, or visit your merchant’s site or whatever other monetization models you use. Successful PREselling is all about looking after the needs of your visitors first and foremost, and putting “the sale” second. Believe it or not, although this seems paradoxical, it is only by following this mantra that you will actually begin to earn real income on the Net.

In short... Take care of the needs of your audience. Good things will follow. Give, then take.


00001.jpgSo here’s the million dollar question…


Where do you find all these great words, all this great content? And the answer is… inside you!

Because you know stuff other people don’t... things people would pay to know. You might have learned it “on the job” or through your hobby. There’s a good chance that you don’t even realize what you know. It’s often right under your nose. Everyone is an expert about something.

As an example, let’s assume that you have a rather unusual area of expertise. You love concrete. Yes, cement! It’s been your hobby, your passion, for years...

Concrete statues. Concrete painting. Decorative concrete. Concrete in the garden. Repairing concrete. The various types of concrete. Hand trowels. Things to do with cement blocks. Concrete trade shows. Concrete and swimming pools. Concrete molds. Cleaning concrete. Ready mixed concrete. Concrete countertops.

Anyway, let’s say that you decide to create a theme-based site that is all about concrete. Your home page explains how your site is the site for everything concrete, from structural to esthetic.

You also build lots of content pages – each one focuses on a keyword that a searcher might use to find your theme.



Site Build It! makes it a snap to identify profitable keywords for your theme (i.e., keywords that many people are searching for but that very few sites provide information about). Just click on a button, and SBI! does the research for you! Hours of tedious research reduced to minutes. And all you have to do is wait for the results!

For example, your page about concrete statues explains all about how to make and repair striking statues for the home and garden. You could even expand it into an entire “Statue Section,” with a page on the history of concrete statues and another one about how to market and sell the statues that the visitor makes.

The main point, though, is that you create truly excellent, high-value content that delivers what your reader sought at the Search Engines. See! It happened again! By writing about a niche that you know and love, the content is easy.

00001.jpgOK, a second “concrete” example that comes at you from a different angle...

John A. Smith is a passionate lover of all things concrete, and owner of “Smith’s Concrete Repair Service.” Mr. Smith’s company repairs foundations, retaining walls, driveways, statues, swimming pools -- heck, if it’s concrete and it’s busted, he’ll fix it!

The first thing of note is this...

Smith’s “Concrete Repair Service” is a locally-based service, but Mr. Smith has great vision. He builds a Web site that appeals to both local and global interests. Here’s how…

1) His well-written concrete-related articles provide a valuable information resource for all visitors, regardless of their geographic location.

2) Local visitors (who are not currently clients) come to trust Mr. Smith as he demonstrates over and over again through his articles, and his e-zine, two very appealing attributes -- his unwavering commitment to the "putting-the-needs-of-thecustomer-first” philosophy and the breadth of his knowledge pertaining to all things concrete.

Before long, Mr. Smith becomes established in his visitors’ minds as “The Concrete Man.” When these local prospects need a concrete repairman, guess who they’re going to call?

3) Local visitors come to recognize Mr. Smith as more than “some guy with a concrete repair service.” Thanks to the bio (About Us) page, they learn he’s a dedicated father, an active member of the community, and a little league coach, as well as being the owner of a company. This information adds to his credibility. 4) Global visitors produce a secondary income stream for him. Mr. Smith can refer these surfers to merchant-partners (and their products) that he represents (ex., books about landscape design, a retailer of concrete statues, a garden supplier for concrete molds, trowels, etc.,). And, of course, he could also sell his own e-book, consulting services, Google’s AdSense, etc.

Mr. Smith’s warm-and-willing-to-buy visitors trust his knowledgeable advice. His PREselling efforts make it easier for him to convert these visitors into customers.


Bottom line?


PREsell effectively… to sell effectively. It’s as simple as that! And this means…


The needs of your target group must be your #1 priority, the reason behind every action you take. always comes second.


So keep your visitors in constant focus and…


1) PREsell... don’t sell! Use great content to create an “open-to-buy/hire” mindset in your customer. Warm up your visitors first.


2) Maximize profit by maximizing your traffic (by delivering lots of topical content) and Conversion Rate (CR).
Your CR depends upon what you do and how you do it. You will achieve higher Conversion Rates if you...


Reach targeted traffic in a reputable fashion (ex., visitors find you via the Search Engines).


Deliver valuable, appropriate editorial content that PREsells.

Recommend visitors to your income-generating source (ex., your sales/order page, the site of the merchant-partners that you represent, your online store, etc.) after they come to respect and like you.

00001.jpgOK, let’s build on this extremely important foundation. We introduced the term “Most Wanted Response” earlier. Now it’s time to go into more depth about this concept…