The Trial Notebook by Paul Purcell - HTML preview

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Opposing Client is:  Plaintiff   Defendant                                                           Opposing Client is:  Person(s)  Business Entity

Opposing Client is:  Sole Client  Main Client of Group numbering:____ or Client #_____ of this group  Member Class Action

Name:                                                                                  SSN:                                         Sex:     DOB:___/___/___

Address:                                                                                        Apt/Ste:             Cmp/Sb:

City:                                                          Co:                                   St:         Zip:                    --             Own/Rnt/Rsd:Yrs:

Phones:  (H):             -                                            Cell Phone: (           )            -

E-Mail:                                                                    Website:                                        

Place of Employment:                                                             Title:

Address:                                                                                  Supervisor:

City:                                                                   St:                 Zip:                    --              

Phone: (           )            -                                        Cell Phone: (           )            -

Fax:  (           )            -                                           Other Phone: (           )            -

Website:                                                                            E-Mail:

 Full investigative “Subject Data File” started   “Discovery” file started   “History” sheet filled out  No Civil or Criminal History

Attorney(s): All contents © 1999  Paul Purcell

Firm:                                                                                                                      ( Full “Opposing Counsel” data sheet filled)

Address:                                                                                                        Suite:

City:                                                                   St:                 Zip:                    --

Phones:  (H):  (           )            -                              (W):  (           )                -                                     X

Fax:  (           )            -                                             Cell Phone: (           )            -

E-Mail:                                                                      Website:

Synopsis of Opposing Client’s Case:









Impeachment Notes:







All contents © 1999  Paul Purcell  Extended Narrative of all notes is attached.

 Summons served on: ___/___/___  Via:                                                                           Reviewed on: ___/___/___  By:  

Date Deposed: ___/___/___   Transcript filed in:                    Physical / Medical Exam   Psych Evaluation.      Reviewed by:

Document Control #:


OPPOSING CLIENT  Name:_____________________________________