The Trial Notebook by Paul Purcell - HTML preview

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Juror Post-Trial Interview


Please tell us about your experience as a juror.  This will help us to help others in the future.


The Case  [this section to filled in by your office prior to sending to juror]



Thank you for serving as a juror on the case of                                                V



The case was about



The trial started on ___/___/___ and lasted until ___/___/___ ending in a verdict of



Meaning that                                       was found                                               of



The Court



Was the court room comfortable?   Yes  No.   Was the juror seating area comfortable?   Yes  No



Did you feel the judge was understandable and effective?   Yes   No  What about other staff?  Yes   No



Was the jury deliberation room comfortable or functional?   Yes   No.



Tell us what could be done to have made the facilities better for you:






Their Case



“Their Case” was                                                   and “they” means



Did they give a clear, concise presentation?   Yes   No  



Good points about their case / presentation:



Bad points about their case / presentation:



Our Case



“Our Case” was                                                   and “we” represented



Did we give a clear, concise presentation?   Yes   No  



Good points about our case / presentation:



Bad points about our case / presentation:



The Verdict



You voted                                  Is this the way you still feel?   Yes   No



Were the instructions given to the jury clear and easy to understand?   Yes   No



Please don’t mention any names, but how many jurors were undecided at first?  Please give us a number:



Did you have issues or difficulties with the other jurors?   Yes  No



Your Overall Experience



Overall, how was it?   Good  Bad   Other.  If “Other” please explain:



Was it okay to take time off from work?   Yes   No.  Please tell us more:






Would you be willing to be on a jury again?   Yes   No.



Other Thoughts:  Please tell us in your own words if there is anything else you would like us to know.


















Your Information



Name:                                                                                                                               Juror #:



Signature:                                                                                                                                   Date: ___/___/___