Wahm - It! - The Master Course - Book 1 by E. Martyn, C. Brizzell, et al - HTML preview

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3.3 Earning the Income You Need

As a mom, you work hard for your family.


Yes, you may have a partner who shares the load, and that helps. But we know how many hours you’re putting in, because that’s what we do, too.

We know that when you’re not soothing babies, playing with toddlers, driving kids around, helping with school work, you’re doing laundry, shopping, cooking – all the myriad tasks that go into keeping a home and family running smoothly.

The reward? It’s in the deep satisfaction of seeing your children happy and growing. You’re there to share day-to-day life with them, find your toddler’s lost cuddly, help with your 10-year-old’s project, sympathise with your teenager’s broken heart.

But there’s one thing you don’t get in return for all those hours of loving labour.

Money. Money – who earns it, who spends it, what it means – raises a whole bunch of questions for moms. We like earning. It empowers us in many different ways. But we love raising our kids, too. Like you, we want to do both.

Many mums that I chat to feel torn between the desire to be there for their children and the desire for more control and independence. Annabel

Maybe you’re not interested in earning a whole lot of money right now. If you’ve chosen to take time out of the job market, chances are you can manage on your family income – but a bit more would probably be welcome.

Or maybe you need funds now. Perhaps you’re a single parent, struggling to make ends meet, or your partner has taken a pay cut and it’s up to you to bring home the difference.

Whatever your financial situation today, take a moment to stop and think.

How would you like to find an earning source that took up only the time you could comfortably offer? One that could give you a small income fairly soon – and had the potential to g-r-o-w spectacularly and consistently in the future?

Imagine if that work began to bring in money. Not much to start with, but a steady trickle, that gradually turned to a stream.

Money that came in, not just during your working hours, but during the many more hours that you spend tending to your family. Money that came in while you slept… or while you went on vacation. Money that still came in, if you needed time off.

I am happy for the people who are supporting their families with their online income, but that's not me. I won't have time for several years, probably, to devote enough time to my site for that to happen.

But right now, I am making several hundred dollars per month! Am I planning to one day make significant money with my site? Definitely. In the meantime, am I delighted with $300+ per month passive income? Absolutely! Ellen

Suppose that as long as you carried on chipping away, bit by bit, you were rewarded with a stream of income that kept on growing and continued to come in far, far into the future. What if it grew into a passive source of income that only required a small amount of upkeep?

What would that mean to you? In time, you could dump the $10-an-hour job. Or ease yourself out of a full- or part-time job that pays, but makes colossal demands on your time and energy, and leaves you worn to a frazzle. You could pull back on the party plan or the medical transcription. Or focus your net-based efforts into a more satisfying and rewarding direction.

That’s what developing a content-filled website could give you.


Make no mistake. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. There is no promise about money this week, or money without work... steady, focused work.

As to how much you can earn, there’s no easy ballpark answer there, either. The amount varies, and depends on many factors. Everyone’s experience is different.

Within six months of starting my site, it was providing a growing full-time income for us. It brings in about 25% more than the income I earned at the highest paying “real” job I’ve ever held. My second site currently earns between $600 and $1000 per month. Rena

If you approach it in the right way, building a website, as we and many other WAHMs are doing, can answer your wish to earn income, and offer you a slowburning, long-term money-making proposition.

We particularly like the idea of nurturing our sites as we do our kids, putting our best efforts into making them as strong as they can be. And, like our children, our income will continue to grow into the future, slowly... but surely.