Wahm - It! - The Master Course - Book 1 by E. Martyn, C. Brizzell, et al - HTML preview

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3.4 Getting Beyond “Mom”

Now let’s talk about you. Not “you” as in “Mom”, “Wife”, “Cook”, “Teacher’s Aid”, “Choir Member”, or “Team Mom”. Just you.

What’s on your wish-list that’s just for you? What are your wants and dreams? Do you get to share your hobbies and passions with other interested people on a regular basis? Or has that part of you gone on hold, as the important job of raising a family takes precedence?

Sure, money's nice, but a large part of this for me is doing something where I shine. Jennifer

After all, don’t we all just want to spend our time doing the thing we are passionate about? This is what “hooked me” as a WAHM, and as someone with some serious passions that are yet to be fulfilled. Nicole

You recognise the pride your kids feel when they come home with a star for behaving well in class? You’ve seen the grin on your husband’s face when he’s just received a raise or pulled in a new client. Perhaps you remember moments, pre-kids, when you felt that warm glow of achievement, too.

Where’s your applause now?

Of course, you feel great when you look at your kids. We’re not suggesting that bringing up a family is anything but a fantastic achievement. But we are suggesting that there can be even more than that in your life.

Building a content-based website lets you tap into your passions, show off your skills, share your ideas, receive recognition for your expertise... that’s your gold star. Not only will you learn new skills, challenging yourself on a regular basis, you’ll find “you” again.

Or discover a whole new person.

I saw this time (motherhood) as a perfect opportunity for a change in direction. I knew I would have some spare time at night or nap time that I could use to study or learn something new. Kellie

The Internet doesn’t care if you hold a college degree or graduated from high school. It doesn’t know if you live in Outer Mongolia or the Big Apple, or give a hoot if you’re the queen of gourmet dinners or the crockpot mom. On the Internet, everyone has the same chances and opportunities to get to the head of the class.

It’s a place where you can shine.


Find the “you” inside who goes beyond “the mom”. Use the satisfaction you gain now, to build choices into your future.

And it’s all very do-able. We know, because that’s how we work. Not only do we enjoy the benefits of staying home with our children, but our “beyond mom” needs are fulfilled, too. What could be better than earning money... on our time, doing work we love?
So now, for the details on how we do it, let’s move on to Step 4.