Wahm - It! - The Master Course - Book 1 by E. Martyn, C. Brizzell, et al - HTML preview

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4.3 Traffic: The Lifeblood of Your Site

content, written on a tightly-focused niche topic, is the key element to a successful website.


But content alone isn’t enough. What your site really needs is traffic… and not just any type of traffic. You need targeted traffic.

Targeted visitors are interested specifically in the theme that you’ve built your site around. So when they reach your site and find masses of great information about the exact topic that interests them, they’re delighted.

Here’s how one WAHM’s site attracted a valuable targeted visitor…

Success hinges on getting your site seen, and many millions of them never are. My site was discovered by the Editor-in-Chief of a publishing house in New York that produces hairstyle magazines. She’d been surfing the net, had discovered my site, and was “very impressed” with my work. She offered me the opportunity to write freelance articles for their magazines.

So, in the space of 8 months from the day I embarked on my SBI! journey, rather than researching potential publishing avenues and learning about jumping through hoops, I was in the enviable position of being approached by them. Michelle

What’s the secret of attracting targeted traffic?

We'll use another one of our sites as an example. Jennifer launched her site, www.favorite-puppy-names.com, because she’s keen on canines! She chose a

dog-related niche by following the CONTENT







MONETIZE process, and discovered that thousands and thousands of people each month look for the phrase “dog names” in search engines.

Like Jennifer, one of your first tasks will be identifying the search terms people use to find information about your topic on the Web. These terms are known as keywords and you’ll build a list of them to use on your site’s pages. Rest easy, it’s a straightforward process.

Search engines love giving their users the results they want. So, if you build your site using lots of sought-after keywords, wrapped around plenty of original content, search engines will send you visitors in return.
Jennifer built her site around the “dog names” concept, and provides her visitors with the free information they want. She offers thousands of ideas on what to name their puppy. Because every single page on her site is built around a highdemand keyword from her list, she gives the search engines loads of opportunities to find her. And they do.

The traffic that arrives at her site is made up of people who went looking for all sorts of concepts to do with the naming of puppies, like “favorite puppy name”, or “German puppy names”. Each time, they find exactly what they were looking for at Jennifer’s site. The more carefully targeted pages she builds, the more her traffic grows.

Her traffic stats confirm this trend…



There are other ways to grow your traffic. You can pay for it. There are plenty of sites out there. Their owners are more than happy to accept your advertising dollars to send visitors your way.

But because we’re budget-conscious moms, we prefer free traffic, and you can get plenty of that. As well as using search engine queries, visitors can find you through:


• reading an article you wrote about your subject for another website
• discovering a helpful message you've posted on a forum
• links from other relevant websites
• following a referral on a message board

Don’t panic! We know there’s a lot to take in here, but you don’t have to learn and understand it all at once. Take your time. Simply build your site and your traffic one step at a time. It’s like raising a child. You don’t move from the newborn stage to adolescence in one step. Day by day, you see your child’s growth and maturation blossoming before your eyes. Your site and business will do the same.

Don’t know anything about how to build a site? That’s okay. We all started out with next-to-no knowledge about website-building. We all have good-looking and performing sites, built with our own fair hands!

As long as you’re willing to learn and to follow a step-by-step process, you’ll be fine, even if you are a total newbie. You’ll have all the tools you need to make the process do-able.

Attracting a steady, growing stream of traffic is great. But once again, it’s just one part of the process. The next trick is to excite those visitors with the amazing goodies you have to share – and that’s what we call PRESELLING.