Wahm - It! - The Master Course - Book 1 by E. Martyn, C. Brizzell, et al - HTML preview

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4.4 PRESELL: Make Your Visitors Happy

We know you want to make income from your site. But we’re sure you’ll be glad to hear that the best way to do that is NOT through heavy selling.

When you sell, you go all out to get the sale. Your visitor is in no doubt about what’s going on, and most likely, she resists your efforts. Who likes a pushy salesperson, or trusts overblown hype?

So we do it differently, by PREselling our visitors.

The idea of PREselling is to create a positive mindset in your visitor, warm her up to an idea, product or service and leave her with the choice of whether to explore further and possibly make a purchase.

It’s a natural extension of what you already do, without even thinking about it. As a mom, you make recommendations to your friends every day. A new bargain kids’ clothes store, a home organizer who’s transformed your life, a brilliant movie – things you’ve checked out and liked. It’s natural to tell other people about them. You have nothing to gain. You just want to share a good thing. So now, you do the same thing on your site. You write your site in an open, friendly way, so that your visitor “hears” your voice addressing her concerns, offering her the ideas, solutions and information she wants. Pretty soon, she starts to feel that you’re a new and trusted friend. And a visitor who feels like that is far more likely to buy than one who gets the hard-sell.

PREselling simply means creating that positive, willing-to-buy mindset in your visitors. And this is how you do it…


Write a site that PREsells

Every single time we write for our sites, we put our target readers in the spotlight. For Jennifer, they’re people who’ve just brought home a cute little puppy. For Elizabeth, they’re moms who are short on time, and want to feed their families fresh, healthy food. For Cate, her target readers are folks who want to learn how to manage their money properly, and for Erin, they’re busy moms who will benefit from organizing and simplifying their home.

By making it a top priority to meet our readers’ needs, we know that when they land on our sites they’ll be bowled over by what we have to offer.


Because not only do we give our readers what they want – we overdeliver. We earn their respect.

Offline, overdelivering is when your package arrives two days earlier than promised, or the waitress brings crackers for your hungry kids to munch on, without being asked.

Online, you can overdeliver by offering masses of really valuable information. And you can go further. For instance, you could give your visitors:

• Links to useful online resources
• Free printable downloads
• Product reviews
• Scheduled e-zines
• Discussion forum

Whatever you decide to put on your site, do it with your own personal touch. Write as if you’re talking one-on-one with your visitor. (You don’t have to impress your English teacher.) Have a friendly conversation from the heart. Be yourself. Your sincerity and personality will shine through.
Let your visitor know you truly want to help her. Share your knowledge and experiences. Be honest when it comes to your reviews and recommendations.

My first year, I was able to see a small profit with my divorce website, but my real success came in the form of positive feedback from my visitors. Women across the country and the world were letting me know that my website was making a difference in their lives. Tracy

Build relationships, not sales pages. You’ll reap the rewards.

Think of it this way. As a work-at-home mom, your desire to earn income always comes second to your drive to do the best possible for your children. Now apply the same principle to your site. First give your visitors everything they want and need. Then think about the money.

It feels good to have a site that focuses on its visitors. And know what? It makes your income potential soar!


Let us show you how…