Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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The water was great. His stomach was not so bad, being in the water made him forget how hungry he really was. The bottom of the ocean in the shallow water was sand with a few places with coral and rocks. It was harder to see because he did not have a facemask and was looking into clear water but a bit blurry without a mask. But he saw some lobsters and sh below lurking under the rocks and coral.

He was swimming back to shore when he felt the familiar bump. He knew this time what it was. He had felt it two times before. He turned around to see a dolphin jumping out of the water snickering at him!

Like he was playing and inviting Bobby to be with him.

“I'm hungry and I need to catch sh!” He said to the dolphin.

The dolphin dove and was gone for a few minutes. Bobby turned around to swim to shore. Then he heard a noise and turned. The dolphin was a meter away with a big sh in his mouth!


The dolphin swam towards him and dropped the sh in front of Bobby.

Bobbys' mouth was open in awe not knowing what to do or think. The dolphin saved him from the sea and pushed him to this island and now this dolphin was catching him sh?

Bobby was very hungry so he grabbed the sh and got to the beach and got back to his hut. He kept looking back to see the dolphin. The dolphin had saved him twice now. I really began to respect him. That snickering sound in his ears.

“Snickers!” A perfect name for the dolphin! He named him before but now it really stuck!

