Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Bobby remembered seeing a television show of people in Fiji splitting coconuts on these sharp sticks. He started doing what he saw and realized it was very dif cult. What if he slipped and hurt himself?

No one was here to help him. So he slowed down so not to hurt himself by moving to fast.

An hour or so had passed and he could see the coconut inside. A smile broke out on his face. He reached the real coconut! Now how to crack it open? Smash it on a rock! Wait! Then I will lose the juice inside to drink.

Coconut juice is very healthy so he didn't want to lose that.

The hammer!

Bobby went back inside the hut and got the old hammer. There was a big rock outside the hut with broken coconut shells around it. This is where someone cracked coconuts before! He put the coconut on the rock and hit it a llittle. He didn't want to lose the juice inside. He hit it a little harder. This was not easy, they were very strong! So he would hit a little bit harder and then even more. Then it cracked and Bobby tried to drink all of the juice coming out.

He had eaten many coconuts before that were ready to eat in the stores.

This was not an easy task to do now. Buying in the stores was a lot easier. They were ready to eat.

His muscles ached, his skin was feeling sunburnt and all he could think of was jumping in the ocean for a swim and thinking how he was going to catch a sh. He was not picky. Any sh that was edible was not a problem. He could even eat a shark at this point!

