Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Bobby was wondering how to eat the sh? How to make a re? How to start a re? How do I cook him? Bobby was ready to eat the sh raw! He was so hungry!

The old knife. He picked it up and cleaned it on the rock then took it to the ocean and took some coconut husk with sand and cleaned the blade as best as he could.The steel looked good so he sliced the sh. He saw his father do it many times to make a good llet of steak. He cut through the sh the best he could with the old dull knife.

Bobby was so hungry he ate it without cooking it! It was very good! He had only eaten raw sh twice but he had never been stranded on an island before without a kitchen. He needed to learn that this may be the beginning of a long stay on this island. Who knows where I am at? How would my dad know where I was? I had to pretend I would never be rescued.

It was up to me now.

With the sh in his now quiet stomach he decided to climb up the hill and drink some water. He took the bowl he found in the hut, washed it in the ocean, and headed up the hill. Now that he knew the direction he was going, the water source was found fairly quick.

He drank as much water as he could with the bowl then lled it to carry down to the beach. Most of the water spilled out but he had a few swallows for later. His idea was to nd some vessels to carry water so it would not spill. He wanted to walk around the entire island and see what he could nd.

