Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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The island didn't seem really big. There were beaches but there were also some parts that looked rocky. I still had my shoes from the time I was on deck on the boat. He started thinking of when that was. He was not sure how many days. He thought maybe three or four days? He was not sure. From now on he would carve a line on a piece of wood every evening so he could remember. Why did he not think of that? This was all new to him so he had to plan.

The beach went on for a few hundred meters before there were rocks, lava, and washed up wood and debris. When he got to the rocky part he noticed it was crawling with small crabs! Some in seashells and others climbing around eating the washed up seaweed and the very small creatures in it. He had to step carefully not to smash the crabs.

The island turned a corner but was very cylindrical; round. It was like the beach went on and on. He could see other islands in the distance but they all seemed the same. Lots of sand, palm trees, and nobody waving a red ag! He was on his own and he knew it.

After an hour Bobby thought he was on the other side. It was still sand with some coconuts laying under tall palm trees. Time to sit down and think what he was looking for. Some hope? A boat to get him out of here to go home to mom and dad?

As he was pondering this and feeling depressed he heard a familiar sound. He was so lost in survival he forgot who saved him.


The dolphin jumped out of the sea! He had followed Bobby around the island to watch him and see what he was doing.

