Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Bobby headed towards the water laughing. This dolphin was his friend that saved him twice. He was so worried about surviving on this island that Snickers was only a second thought. He got into the water and swam towards Snickers.

“Snickers!” Bobby screamed.

He hugged the dolphin remembering his rubbery skin. He was so grateful to this Dolphin for saving his life and catching him the sh. All this overwhelmed him and made him cry. This dolphin was the reason he was alive! He loved this dolphin!

Snickers swam around him several times. Bobby was not sure but he grabbed his dorsal n and Snickers took off like a rocket! Snickers went forward along the island in places new to Bobby. He kept going and going until he stopped and made his snickering sound.

Bobby looked towards the island and saw what looked like a raft like boat. Snickers guided him over towards the island and turned around and swam off when the water got to shallow. Bobby walked on to the beach and looked at the craft. Looking around he didn't see anybody.

Someone had built this raft on the beach but he could not see them.

Bobby gured that whoever built this was gone. Saved from a ship passing by? Where were these people? A hut on my side of the island and now this over here? Why this?


