Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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I made a notch in a piece of wood that night showing the days I thought I was there stranded on this island. After that Bobby fell asleep waking to a new day. I was really thirsty so I climbed up the hill with my bowl to get water. I drank more than I thought I could drink and lled the bowl up. I needed to nd a better water container. I kept looking and seeing only coconuts.

“Coconuts!” Very sweet and tasty!

Bobby ran down to the beach and gathered every coconut he could nd.

He nally got them all back to the hut and chopped them until the juice owed out which he drank. After a few coconuts he couldn't drink anymore so he lled his bowl then drained them out on the sand. He hated wasting it but he wanted to ll them with water.

Hours later, with sore arm muscles, Bobby prepared a cover on the raft.

Palm branches mainly to make a cover. Some old dried seaweed to ll cracks to the sun. He had a long way to go before he could leave the island.

Food; Fish was what he needed! People can't live on coconuts! The hut had an old fork in it. Seemed okay after a clean in the water. Strap it to the end of a pole and you had a spear! Crude but what else did he have?

No face mask to see very well underwater and a fork to get a sh.

Bobby was con dent that something would work out.

Bobby saw sh drying in the sun around his home. Usually small sh but some larger also. Two things. He needed some sh and he needed a place to dry them in the sun. He wondered if he could sun dry lobsters also.

