Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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He looked by his hut and saw a large rock in the sun. It would work for a place to dry out the sh. Catching them was his worry now. It was hard to see underwater. He could see a little but it was blurry. The lobsters he could chase, but they were very fast. The only thing he could do was try.

Grabbing his makeshift spear with a fork he walked down to the water and swam out until it got about two meters deep. Bobby took a deep breath and dove down. The saltwater stung his eyes at rst. It was hard to see but he saw sh darting back and forth and eeing under rocks.

Bobby dove down and saw a lobster eeing under this rock. The lobster scurried away but I could see his antennae sticking out. I slowly came from above him and grabbed the lobster.

I got him! Bobby yelled.

He was big and didn't want to be caught. Bobby took his other hand and grabbed his body dropping his spear. The lobster was so powerful!

Bobby hung on knowing he needed this to live. He was not going to let go. He tried to pinch but Bobby would move his hands. This was survival!

Bobby got him to the beach and jumped with joy! He got a lobster!


He put the lobster in the hut then set out to get his spear he had dropped. Time was important here. He needed the sun for hours to dry the sh, if he caught any. The lobster needed to be prepared and dried.

He went back out and found the spear. He tried a few times but the sh were too quick. So he went back to the hut and prepared the lobster in thin strips to dry on the rock.

