Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Cutting up a lobster is not easy. The old knife was not so sharp but it worked. Bobby layed them on the hot rock to see if it would cook them.

The rock was very hot so he could see the meat changing colors. After a couple of minutes they were getting dry looking so he poured some coconut juice on them. They sizzled like bacon. He tried one and WOW

was it great! He was hungry so he ate all of them.

The day was getting late so he decided to get up early in the morning to catch sh so they had all day to dry on the rock. He gured if he could dry some out every day he would have enough of a store of food for a week. He hoped that was enough.

Morning came very soon for Bobby. He had some water to drink in a coconut and he hoped to spear some sh or get another lobster. He went down to the ocean and waded out into the water with his fork-spear. He dove down underwater but it was hard to see very well.

Without a facemask everything underwater was distorted. He was hoping to nd very slow moving sh!

There were some large rocks and coral in areas so he tried to dive around them and kept jabbing at sh until the fork came loose and bent. He went to shore and did his best to repair the fork and tie it back on the spear. Bobby walked back down to the ocean and was walking out when he heard Snickers and saw him swimming towards him! He had a big sh in his mouth! Snickers threw the sh at him, snickered, then swam away!

“Alright Snickers!” Bobby yelled.

