Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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It was dif cult to sleep. I was always thinking of Snickers and his eyes and the state of my raft. Was I ready? Was anyone really ready for this?

Was it an adventure to go wrong? Hundreds, thousands of kilometers in what direction? North was never going to happen in his lifetime. Water and food would run out. He needed to go west to get home.

Heading west was the only thing he could think of. But what way was west? He did not have a compass, reading shadows to determine which way was not something he knew.

But he had his gut feeling.

Turned around as much as he was he had a feeling he knew where west was. It was his feeling and that is all he had to go with. He had to go with it!

Spending a few hours on the raft he was ready to stop and sleep his last night in that old hut. All was ready. When the sun rose and the birds started screaming over their sh he would be up and ready to go!

Bobby didn't sleep well. He was worried what he may have forgotten.

Several times that night he got up to see what he packed for the long voyage home. Was he forgetting something? He had to believe he had everything.

The sun rose after Bobby was checking to make sure he had it all. He didn't want to forget anything. It could be a catastrophe! He didn't want to die on the raft.

