Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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All tools were tied with a rope he made of vines and leaves from palm trees. Bobby hoped it was enough to keep his voyage going forward.

There was a big possibility he wouldn't make it home. He needed to do everything he could to make it there.

After spending half the day working on the raft he was so tired and burnt by the sun. Bobby had to go swimming and forget about his goal for a moment. He walked down the beach and waded out into the cool ocean. It felt so good. He looked around but saw nothing except a calm ocean. It was so relaxing and the burn of the sun faded away until he felt the bump!


The dolphin circled him several times. Like he was playing but had a reason. Several times Snickers popped up his head and stared in Bobby's eyes. It wasn't an unusual look but a look asking him for something. Bobby wasn't sure but he had a feeling inside. Snickers was telling him he needed to leave and go home.

I think he meant now!

Bobby got back to the beach and went to his hut. He needed to get everything together, cleaned and on the boat. Bobby was not sure why he had to leave soon but Snickers had always saved him and he trusted him without question. How did Snickers know these things?

Why did he love me? He was always on my side from the beginning.

If Snickers said go? I would go!

