Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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I was moving away on my small raft. I needed to yell louder. I threw coconuts at the ship! It was moving away. I was yelling and tossing my coconuts: I needed to survive. I was very upset. I was not seen!

Then the vessel slowed. People came out on the port side and saw me on my little raft. I was so excited! People! I was so happy to see people but I did not know who they were. They could be robbers or slave traders. I really didn't have any choice.

The ship was moving in the same direction as my little raft! We were heading towards home! I didn't have a compass to make sure but it should be right. Looking around I saw no other land to have any idea where I was.

Bobby was in the hands of strangers and by sight, they didn't look very good. Old clothes, dirty, with beards that look menacing. But they were people! Thinking of the notches carved in a piece of wood he carried with him he gured he has been alone for twenty-two days. If it wasn't for Snickers and Roxy he would still be there and very lonely.

A rope ladder was lowered over the side. Bobby tied the raft to the ladder and was scared but he knew this was his moment he was looking for. He had no choice but to trust. He went up slowly, looking up and down. He reached the top and he was grabbed and pulled over on to the deck. He was grabbed by strong arms and hugged. Bobby didn't know what to think in his confusion. He thought they were really hugging him!

Bobby was speechless! He wanted to trust them but it was dif cult being alone so long without people. And he didn't know these people.

He looked down at his raft and wondered if he was safer there. He felt his heart pounding harder.

