Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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There was a commotion on the other end of the ship. A young man walked over and looked at Bobby hard up and down. Then put out his hand with a smile.

“Hello. I am Captain Yuki of this boat. We were heading towards Darwin from Papua New Guinea. But it looks like we picked up a passenger.” He smiled.

“I was lost on an island. I live on Melville island. Not to far from Darwin.”

Bobby explained.

“How long were you lost on an island by yourself!” Yuki asked.

“I am not sure,” Bobby answered. “Twenty-two days I think. I never would have made it without my friends.”

Captain Yuki looked at the raft below and saw only a small cover, coconuts, and a lot of dried sh. He asked for one of his crew to search the raft. No one was there he was told.

“Friends?” Asked Captain Yuki.

Bobby told him how he fell off his fathers shing boat in a storm and how Snickers had saved him by pushing him towards the island. Then Roxy waking him up when he was going into a deep sleep he felt he could not climb out of. She saved his life.

And the times Snickers and Roxy helped him get sh and the raft. It was them that helped Bobby survive on that island. It was like they knew I needed help and to get me home where my family was.

Captain Yuki listened to all this and a smile came on his face.

