Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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He turned to his crew on the ship.

“Next stop Melville!” He shouted.

Bobby didn't know what to say. Yell or cry! He was so happy that he would get home again to see his family! To play with his friends again!

To eat a sandwich, a hamburger, a. . He was so excited he couldn't think of everything.

Captain Yuki took him below deck into the cabin and gave him a place to sleep. He was to excited to sleep! He kept looking around and seeing all the pictures and maps on the walls. Then he saw a large cage with a green parrot inside that seemed to be dancing. Yuki saw him looking and opened the cage and the bird jumped out and ew to Yuki's shoulder.

“This is Leo. I was in Papua New Guinea a few years ago and Leo was stuck in a small cage and very neglected. The owner would not sell him.

A few years later I could see the owner was getting old and not taking care of Leo. I bought him that day and he has been happy and free ever since.”

“What kind of a parrot is he?” Bobby asked. “He is a beautiful green.”

“He's a Grand Eclectus parrot. There are many in Papua. They are usually a one person type of bird. But we became friends over the years so he was happy with me and trusted me. Leo is a good friend.

