Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Further up the hill I could hear sounds. It sounded like water gurgling …….

Bobby climbed up that hill knowing there was the sound of water he was praying for. The sound was about thirty meters up so he kept climbing. There were many large rocks so he had to move to the left or to the right. He knew there was the sound of water so he kept climbing up towards the sound.

After climbing which seemed to be hours he saw the source! There was fresh water coming out of a hole in a big rock. Bobby was so happy he screamed.


Bobby cupped his hands and drank as much water as he could. It was fresh and tasted so good and temporarily stopped his hunger pains. But not for long. Soon it would be growling again.

Water was found but he needed food. A person could live on water for 2-3 weeks. But he needed food if he was on the island for more than that.

He drank as much of the water as he could then looked out at the view.

It was beautiful! He could see out for miles on the ocean. Islands dotted the ocean.

But he did not see any boats. . .

