Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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He was thinking. I got water, can I live on coconuts for food? There is no fruit on the trees except coconuts that he saw so far. I need to make a spear to get sh. Making a re to cook them? Let's see if I can do what my father taught me. I didn't have anything to sh. I was good with a shing pole but I had nothing! I had to think about this. Catching a sh seemed easy before but now it was going to be dif cult.

Bobby climbed down the hill to the beach.

He found the hut and the birds had left sh skeletons all over the roof.

He was hungry but the bones didn't look real tasty to him, hungry or not. At least he knew where water was now so he could empty out some coconuts and ll them up and bring them down. Or! I could make a hut up there next to the water and see out far over the ocean if a boat came! He was encouraged!

First thing he had to do was nd food. It had been a day since he ate, so food was at the top of the list. Should I go look for coconuts then make a spear to get a sh? Being as hungry as he was coconuts seemed easier.

Walking the beach for a few minutes he found some coconuts under some trees. Bobby was happy until he tried to open one. There was a thick husk around the coconut way inside that he had to get to. He ran back to the hut remembering he saw some old tools in there. There was an old large knife, a fork, a spoon, a coconut bowl, and a makeshift hammer. Outside there was a sharpened stick in the ground that seemed very used and strong.

