Understanding Shakespeare: As You Like It by Robert A. Albano - HTML preview

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Act I, Scene 2: Charles vs. Orlando


Le Beau, a conventional courtier serving Duke Frederick, enters and informs Celia and Rosalind that they have missed some excellent wrestling matches that morning. The two ladies and Touchstone wittily tell jokes, but Le Beau is not clever enough to understand them.      The courtier finally reveals his news that Charles the wrestler defeated three young men already and these young men have been hurt so badly that they may die (lines 103-06). Le Beau then announces that Charles will wrestle once again and the ladies are invited to watch. At that moment Duke Frederick, Charles the wrestler, Orlando, and other various lords enter the stage. Duke Frederick comments that Orlando is too young and inexperienced and will surely end up in a miserable condition if he wrestles with Charles. So, the Duke asks Celia and Rosalind to attempt to dissuade Orlando from wrestling against such a formidable opponent (lines 132-33). The ladies agree.

Despite being entreated by two such lovely ladies, Orlando explains that he has nothing to lose since he has no position in the world and that he would prefer death to a meaningless life.

Rosalind and Celia then cheer for the handsome Orlando as he begins to wrestle against Charles. Despite his inexperience, Orlando defeats Charles; and attendants have to carry off the older wrestler.

After the match Duke Frederick asks the new champion who he is. The young wrestler responds