Change your life from 2.0 to 2.1 by Frédéric Clas - HTML preview

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Clean House

One great way to quickly enhance your life is to clean your “proverbial house.” This means getting rid of the dead weight in your life. We all have people, habits, and other things that hold us back. You won’t believe how much better you’ll feel after you get those burdens out of your life. Negativity can make it difficult to focus and be happy.

This process will help you eliminate negativity:

  1. Make a list of the people who have a negative impact on your life. We all have a friend, coworker, neighbor, family member, or other person that makes life harder for us. It could be someone that constantly takes, but rarely gives. It might just be a negative person who provides little emotional support for you regarding your goals and happiness.
  1. Think of ways to modify this relationship. Maybe you need to discuss how you’re feeling. Or perhaps it’s time for you to do a better job of sticking up for yourself.
  1. If necessary, do what you can to eliminate this person from your life or at least minimize their involvement.
  1. Get rid of the unnecessary things in your life. Do you have a picture on your wall that you’re tired of? Toss it, sell it, or give it away. Go through all of your possessions. If you aren’t in love with it or have little use for it, get rid of it.
  1. Make a list of all of the things hanging over your head. These are the things that are annoying or that weigh on you. Maybe the lock on the front door of your house sticks. Perhaps you’re putting off doing your taxes, cleaning the garage, or getting your oil changed. Is it time to think about changing jobs? Do you have unpaid bills and no savings?
  1. Simply make a list of all of the little things that are constantly on your mind.
  1. Resolve to start taking care of them one by one. You can work from biggest to smallest, easiest to most difficult, or pick them randomly. You’ll be shocked at how much better you’ll feel without these things weighing you down.

Cleaning house is simply removing negative things from your life. These things create more emotional turmoil and fatigue than you realize. Get rid of them and notice how much better you feel!


“We are used to cleaning the outside house, but the most important house to clean is yourself - your own house - which we never do.”


- Marina Abramovic