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How to Eliminate Dropped

Calls with an Intelligent

Outbound Dialer


Did you know predictive dialer technology can enhance an agent’s productivity by 150% to 400%? This is possible because a predictive dialing campaign effectively avoids dropped cal s by connecting them to a rol over IVR solution. This eliminates the lag time for customers due to absenteeism of the agent at the concerned desk. An intelligent outbound dialer has features such as:

•A maximum cal drop timeout setting.

•Provision to play automatic message to a dropped cal er.

•Preventing dropped cal s from being cal ed back within a set period of time.

•Preventing cal s from being made outside certain time parameters.

•A maximum percentage of dropped cal s within a 24-hour period.

What Outbound Dialers Can Do For Your Business

Predictive dialers adapt quickly to dynamic conditions, answer cal s within seconds, and accommodate various combinations of traditional switched telephone networks (PSTN) and IP (VoIP). Not only this, they also offer access to numerous VoIP services, manage telephone lists and bring flexibility on capacity increase. If you are stil considering whether you need an outbound dialer, here’s a look at how they help:

Enhanced Agent Efficiency:

The time and effort required to dial a number, listen to voicemail, deal with busy tones and no-answer or schedule cal backs eat away 10-15 minutes of talk time per hour. This, in the long run, affects the productivity of the organization to a great extent. With the outbound dialer, the average agent can contribute 40 or 50 minutes in the hour, which increases productivity to 200%-300%. Moreover, it ensures response to a fixed number of cal s per hour, which translates to the highest possible agent talk time with a very smal percentage of dropped cal s.

Increased Productivity with Blended Campaigns:

Predictive dialers offer the ability to deal with inbound and outbound cal s simultaneously. With an auto dialer, the agent remains connected to clients via a “blended’ campaign, in which the same team of agents handles both outbound and inbound cal s at the same time. It automates and balances the process of switching between inbound and outbound cal s, with features like cal queuing and variable dial ratios. It also al ows flexibility for multi-tasking, which positively boosts their morale, especial y in high throughput predictive dialing campaigns.

High Rate of Prospect to Client Conversion:

Once the data is uploaded to a dialer manual y or via database synchronization, the hot prospects need to be contacted on a priority basis. Agents need to cal the prospects promptly, more so in the case of sales leads. Auto-dialers ensure this, while also automating the process of recycling (cal ing back) voicemails, busy numbers and cal s not answered. Thus, a large percentage of leads are fol owed up on very quickly and professional y within a short span of time, increasing the sale conversion rate substantial y.

The company’s ability to address customer issues promptly and professional y, can offer a substantial differential advantage. Moreover, it also enhances the agents’ morale by streamlining their work, enhancing their productivity and accelerating the sales or debt col ection rate. This also translates into better incentives and recognition for them. And we all know that happy employees ensure happy customers!