Computer Studies Course for Rusty Readers by Titus Kamau - HTML preview

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Microsoft PowerPoint is a graphical presentation application program.

Opening Ms PowerPoint

  1. Click Start
  2. Click All Programs
  3. Click Microsoft Office
  4. Click Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Alternatively, run the program by typing the word powerpnt or opening an existing Ms PowerPoint document.


A slide- a page in a presentation

Master slide – this is the first page in the presentation

Inserting a slide

  1. Click insert on the menu bar
  2. And then click insert new slide

Keyboard shortcut is CTRL + M

Deleting a slide

  1. Select the slide
  2. Right click on the selected slide
  3. Click delete slide or after selecting the slide, click delete on the keyboard

Views in PowerPoint

A presentation can be viewed in three ways;

*Normal view – this is the view used during presentation & editing of a presentation

*Slide sorter view/thumbnails – it allows all the slides in a presentation to be viewed in a single page

*Slide show view – this is the view mostly used during presentations & the slides occupy the whole screen

Animations and Sound

This is the process of applying various effects to texts & objects;

  1. On the menu bar click slide show
  2. Click custom animation
  3. In the custom dialog box, select objects to animate, effects, sound & time
  4. Click Ok

Slide transition

This is movement from one slide to another within a presentation.

Rehearse timing

This is the process of setting the time that the presentation will run manually.

Hiding slides

Hidden slides appear in slide sorter and normal views but not in slide show view.


  1. Select the slide
  2. Click slide show on Menu bar
  3. Click hide slide

Organization chart

It depicts a graphical presentation of different management levels.


Co –workers – people in the same level

Sub-ordinate workers – lower level in relation to others


  1. Click insert
  2. Click pictures
  3. Click organization chart

Moving slides

Changing the position of a slide in terms of Content


-Click the slide you want to move on the slide sorter view and drag to the new location

Loop continuously


  1. Click slideshow
  2. Click set up show
  3. Under show options, select loop continuously until ‘Esc’
  4. Finally Click Ok

To add a new slide or page to your presentation

  1. Click on insert then click on new slide
  2. Select the layout
  3. Click Ok

N.B// the available auto layout bulleted list, titles, charts etc. make design easier but restrictive. Don’t forget that Ms Power Point has two windows; the application window (Ms Power Point) and the presentation window.

Applying design template

Design templates are formats which act as background to presentation slides. To apply design;

a)      Click on format on the menu bar or apply design template button on the toolbar

b)     Click on apply design template

c)      Select the design template to apply

d)     Click on apply

Applying slide color scheme

  1. In slide view, click format on the menu bar
  2. Click on slide color scheme
  3. Select the color scheme to apply
  4. Click apply/apply for all

Formatting slide background

-In slide view click format on the menu bar

-Click on background (select background or fill effects)

-Click apply / apply to all

Saving the Presentation


  1. Click on file
  2. Point to Save and Click
  3. Complete the save dialog box; giving the name & where to save
  4. Click on Save

Promoting and Demoting text slides

-Select the data

-Click on promote/demote button on the toolbar. The view can also be used for collapsing and expanding slides. Where expanding slides break a crowded slide into multiple slides for a more organized presentation or turns top-level bullet to an individual slides and sub pints into bullets.

This allows for viewing either details or summary (slide titles in the outline). Click on the slide to be expanded (+) or collapsed to allow for a summarized (button to expand).

Removing and adding color

  1. Click on view
  2. Click on black/white (this turns slides from black and white to colored and vice versa)

Slide miniature

This command is used to activate or deactivate slide miniature, which is a version of the slide to help see when you have filled the slide with text and you need a new slide.

To activate/deactivate slide miniature

       Click on view

       Click on slide miniature

Formatting of a presentation

Formatting a presentation involves changing the attributes of data i.e. text color, picture sizes etc.

Formatting Fonts

  1. Select the text to format
  2. Click on format
  3. Click on fonts
  4. Select the font attributes to change
  5. Click Ok

Spell check

This command is used to check & correct spelling errors.

  1. Click on tools, hen spelling (press F on the keyboard)
  2. Check if the error is genuine and whether any of he offered suggestion is correct
  3. Pick on suggestion and click change , else edit the text or the dialog box & click change. Incase the observed error is not genuine, click ignore
  4. Repeat the above routine until the computer reports that the spell check is complete

Pack and go

The pack and go wizard is used to package together on a disk all the files and fonts used in the presentation. This is done when you want to run a slide show on a computer that doesn’t have Power Point installed by packaging the power point viewer on the disk.


-Open the presentation you want to save on a disk

-On the file menu, click pack and go. This launches the pack and go wizard

-In the first step, select the files that you would like to pack. Then click on next

-Choose the destination for the files and true type fonts. Should be included in the presentation.

-Then click on next

-Choose whether linked files and true type fonts should be included in the presentation. Then click on next

-Depending on whether the destination computer has power Power Point viewer installed or not, select the relevant option and click next

-Click on finish. The computer reports that it has successfully packed the presentation

-Click Ok

Unpacking the presentation

Before you run a presentation that you have packed then you have to unpack it.

  1. Open windows explorer and go to the drive where the file is located. The compressed file has the extension .PPZ
  2. Double click on the file pngsetup.exe
  3. Type in/ create the destination folder you want to copy to your presentation
  4. Click Ok

Slide timings

Refers t the length a slide appears on the screen. If you do not want to manually move through a slide show by clicking the mouse, you can set the length of time a slide appears on the screen.


To set slide transition and slide timings, you can either be in slide view or slide sorter view.

-On the menu bar click slide show

-Click slide transition

-In the effect box, select the transition you want

-Change the transition speed if necessary to slow, medium or fast

-On advance indicate slide timings automatically after a number of seconds

-Click on apply/ apply to all

Setting up a slide show

There are two ways in which you can advance through a slide show.

       Manually by clicking the mouse

       Automatically by using the advance timing feature which keeps your slides for the time specified in the advance box. To set up a slide show


  1. On the slide show menu, click set up show
  2. On the set up slide show dialog box select loop continuously until ‘Esc’ check box
  3. In the slides area, select the slides you want to show i.e. All
  4. In advance slides area, click the use timings if present option to run the show automatically
  5. Click Ok

Using a master template (slide master)

A special slide or page on which you define formatting for all slides or pages on your presentation. These formatting may include graphics e.g. company logo or color scheme. To use master template;

       On the view menu click master slide

       Enter desired graphic, logo or formatting

Applications of Power Point in daily life

Presentations can be used to convey information more effectively e.g.

-When launching a new product into the market

-Marketing or internal company presentations

-To report sales figures

-Inducting new employees into a company

-In education fairs, seminars, trade fairs etc.