Computers for Smart People by Robert S. Swiatek - HTML preview

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            ascending – used to sort one or more fields in a file from smallest to largest order


            by – used for the increment in a perform statement


            call – for processing through another program


            character – a data type that includes just about everything


            copy – for bringing in common code into a program


            date – the value of today’s date in yyyymmdd format


            decimal – a data type for numbers


            define – for describing files, their composites and other variables


            delete – removes a record from a file


            descending – used to sort one or more fields in a file from largest to smallest order


            element – breakdown of pieces of fields in an array


            else – the option resulting from an if statement


            end – to terminate a program


            end-if – termination of an if statement


            erase – to remove old data from the screen


            field – used to represent some data, more or less fixed


            file – relates to a group of records of data


            found – points to the record number from a match in a table from a search


            from – used as a starting point in perform statements


            go to – used for branching


            if – used for making a decision


            index – for checking the occurrence of characters within a string


            input – allows data from the user into the program through the screen


            integer – a data type that represents whole numbers


            into – for moving data from one place to another


            key – how an indexed file is read


            link – enables data to be passed between programs


            mask – for editing output that is displayed or printed


            mod – gives the remainder after division


            occurs – for describing the makeup of data in an array


            page – will start printing at the top


            pause – delays activity in processing


            perform – allows a procedure to be processed


            print – allows output to a report


            program-name – to differentiate one program from another


            read – allows access to a file by obtaining a specific record


            readnext – allows sequential file access procuring one record after another 


            record – indicates a part of a file


            screen – gets results on a monitor


            search – allows looking through a table for a match


            signed – allows negative as well as positive values


            skip – for printing blank lines on a report


            sort – used to order a file by one or more fields


            source – points to a library for dynamic data


            space – one or more blanks


            spaces – can be used instead of space


            status – used for checking success of file accesses


            structure – to breakdown a record into parts


            table – an array of data with similar characteristics


            times – used with the occurs clause for an array


            until – controls processing in a perform         


            update – locks a record in a file for modification


            using – for data transferred between programs through a call


            value – for initializing a field


            varying – allows incrementation of a counter by a set amount


            write – creates an output record