Dark Ops: An Anonymous Story by Commander X - HTML preview

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"Because we had culture, we were never truly subjugated. Because we have culture, we will one day take back the spaces."

~~ Lauri Love

My first book Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous encompassed a time period of approximately four years. Dark Ops: An Anonymous Story likewise takes in the next four year period in the story, which is still not finished yet. Of the eight years encompassed in these two books, I have spent six of them on the run from the FBI Cyber Crime Division. And five of those years have been spent here in Canada, in hiding and seeking sanctuary from the US government's pogrom against Information Activists. This is the story of my Resistance. This is the story of my life inside the Global Collective of Anonymous.

I chose the title "Dark Ops" because I knew that this book would be less about adventure and more about the actual Anonymous Operations I helped to launch during my exile from the USA in Canada. And because these next generation Anonymous Operations were so different, and so ominous, than what had come before - I decided to call them the "Dark Ops". I came to Canada with a threefold mission. First, to not get caught, and eventually find political asylum in a third country. Second, I wanted to continue the important work in the Anonymous Global Collective as it continued to evolve into one of the most potent socio-political movements in human history. Finally I had as a goal to eventually get these books to the world so that this remarkable story might be preserved for future Anons and history. Five years later, and the books are published and the FBI still has yet to "get its man". That leaves only my accounting for what I did within Information Activism and the Anonymous Global Collective while in exile. This is what Dark Ops: An Anonymous Story is. This is my account of what I did with the liberty I stole from a USA government determined to lock me up and shut me up.

Just as we saw in Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous, this new cycle in the history of the Global Collective saw two new genres of Anonymous Operation evolve - the Justice Ops and Social Ops. These now joined the original Censorship Ops and Freedom Ops to complete the range of global issues Anonymous can now effect. These two new genres are strangely binary, in the sense that Justice Ops primarily focus on a single victim of injustice (one thing that makes them so controversial within the Collective) whereas Social Ops are aimed at entire swaths of the global population. An excellent example is Anonymous Operation Safe Winter, in which thousands of Anons in hundreds of cities around the world fan out and provide substantial aid to homeless people in the winter months - and advocate for them online the rest of the year.

As I pen this Donald Trump has become President of the USA. And apparently someone better skilled than either us or the GOP hackers we encountered in Chapter One has hacked the DNC and possibly the vote counting systems in several battleground States. And strangely, I am as lost to predict the future of Anonymous now as I was at the end of Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous. Just as Anonymous defies any attempt to define it, it likewise resists any efforts to predict what it will do and become next. And this is from someone on the inside actually working to create that future for the Global Collective. I can't imagine how confused the rest of the world must be when trying to figure out Anonymous.

As for my own future, I'm likewise completely in the dark. In writing these last few paragraphs, my own story, as well as the story of my involvement in Anonymous - is now up-to-date. I face the future now just like you, the reader - with no real idea what will happen next. I can tell you I remain as devoted as ever to this idea called Anonymous. I continue to engage in conversations with various nation states to attempt to acquire political asylum status. And I remain determined to remain in hiding here in Canada with the purpose of not being captured and silenced by the USA regime. All I can say to my readers, supporters, fans, and even my enemies is that I will continue to raise my voice against tyranny, and work hard to build up the Anonymous Global Collective.


Commander X - February 21, 2017 - North York, Ontario - Canada