Dark Ops: An Anonymous Story by Commander X - HTML preview

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"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

~~ John F. Kennedy

I'd like to begin by simply repeating my deepest gratitude to everyone mentioned in my acknowledgments for Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous. You are all as much responsible for my completion of this book as my last, which of course might not earn you any respect from some people who oppose my work - most especially the government of the USA and NATO. Nevertheless I remain deeply grateful to you all.

Since arriving in exile here in Canada, many Canadians, both Anons and supporters, have gone to great expense and effort, and put themselves and their families in harms way - to become my support network up here. Not only would this book not have been written without your assistance, but given the harsh environment up here I may well not even have survived without your support. Obviously I can't name you, but you have a special gratitude from me and special place in my heart forever. Thank you for the risks you took for me, the help you provided, the support you freely gave, and the love. The last is returned in full measure.

I would like to acknowledge and tip my hat to the many thousands of Friends, Anons, Hacktivists, supporters and fans who follow me on social media, in particular on Twitter. In the past five years of exile you have kept me continuously uplifted with your wit, concern, and loving support - all delivered in 140 character doses. You made me laugh when I was sad, you made me smile when I was angry, you made me brave when I was scared out of my wits. Most of you I don't even know personally. Some of you have become life-long friends. My Twitter Family is special to me. From you I gained many inspirations that made their way into Dark Ops: An Anonymous Story, but more importantly you made me a part of a community, when AFK I was completely and utterly alone. Thank you all.

A thank you is definitely due for both of my publishers, Lulu (print editions - www.lulu.com) and SmashWords (eBook editions - www.SmashWords.com) not only for their incredible self-publishing platforms and assistance getting these books to the people, but for protecting those works from the tyrannical authorities and others who would silence me. Both my publishers protected my books, and helped me get them ready and delivered to the world. I encourage anyone, but especially other hackers or Information Activists, to not be afraid to publish. While it's not easy, these publishers will give you the tools and advice you need for free to get your book to the world.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the pain and sacrifice my Family has gone through in the past eight years, in particular my Sister Amy Beth and my Nephews Adam, Joshua and Richard. When the shit began to hit the fan for me and Anonymous back in 2009 I made a conscious decision to sever any communication, no matter how covert - with my Family. I did this to protect both them, from being used by the FBI against me - or vice versa. In spite of this, my little Sister Amy Beth in particular has become one of my most vocal supporters on social media. Neither of us is young, and it's quite possible it may never be safe to tell you in person while we're both alive. But I love you with all my heart Amy, and your support means more to me than anything in the world.

The quote at the head of these acknowledgments sums up precisely how I have approached my unending gratitude to everyone mentioned here and in my last book. All of you made sacrifices to help me continue my work as an Information Activist these past eight years. I have tried to repay and legitimize that sacrifice by working night and day to build up Anonymous and information activism, and to make the world a little bit more free and just. I have tried to spend wisely every moment of liberty you all have purchased for me with your support. And I will keep doing this until I am captured, killed, or die from the rigors of exile. I am not often very vocal about how much I appreciate each of you. I prefer to thank you by working to make what you all have given me mean something.
