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Chapter 13: Directory Submission FAQs Answered -----------------------------------------

Here are some common questions and misconceptions regarding directory submissions.


Will I increase my Google Page Rank by submitting to directories?

It’s possible and even likely if you submit your website to quality directories as discussed in chapter 2. However, it’s important to note that obtaining a high Google Page Rank does not mean that you will get better search engine rankings or even more traffic.

This is a very common misconception!

I know of many websites that have a high PR (PR 6) and receive a small handful of visitors on a daily basis while a PR 2 website receives 400 visitors each day. The purpose of directory submissions is to build relevant links while targeting your website for specific keywords – not building Page Rank.

I’ve heard that submitting to 500 directories won’t help me improve my rankings. Why?

This statement can be true in some circumstances, but not all. If you focus on submitting your website to quality directories, even 10 links from these types of directories can help you improve your rankings. On the other hand, if you submit to directories that have no editorial standards or directories that have no rankings themselves – these submissions will be of little to no benefit for you. Focus on submitting to quality directories and you will see the benefits. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time.

Submission to directories is similar to submitting a website to search engines.

No, submission to search engine is actually worthless. To get indexed and higher rankings in search engines, you need link popularity; most major search engines operate this way. By submitting your website to directories, you’re increasing your link popularity and thus helping search engines to find your website.

I must get listed in DMOZ to get traffic from search engines.


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No, it is not true. DMOZ can be a valuable resource for website owners because of the direct traffic it can provide as well as the improved search engine traffic, but it is far from required. There are many websites that enjoy great rankings and traffic but are not listed in DMOZ.

Directories are for improving link popularity and search engine rankings only. They will not deliver any traffic.

No. Many quality directories deliver traffic as well. For example, take a look of iNetZeal Directory’s popular links section, Check rounded part after clicks. That’s traffic delivered to particular website by iNetZeal’s Directory. While checking server logs, I’ve noticed traffic from many directories, that means, they delivers traffic.

00011.jpgiNetZeal Directory – Popular links (directories too deliver traffic! )


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We should re-submit our website to directories at every few months.

No, directories are human edited resources. Unlike search engines, each website submitted will be reviewed by human editors manually. So, once you are listed in a directory and as long as you follow their quality criteria, your website will remain in that directory.

Google doesn’t like directories links anymore – OR – Directory links have almost no value for SEO.


This is completely and utterly false.

Matt Cutts recently confirmed that Google doesn’t have a problem with quality directories. If the directory has an editorial review process and lists only quality websites, there is still benefit for these types of directory submissions. See what Matt has to say about the topic here:

00012.jpgMatt Cutts talking about directories on Digital point forums


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Directories are no different than link farm and FFA websites.


In some cases, this is true, but not with quality directories.


For instance:

- Link farms are not categorized. Each and every KIND of link is accepted and listed without any category structuring, and it’s very easy for visitors to get confused by these types of listings. Directories, on the other hand, are well-known for their categorization and when a website is submitted to directories, each website is judged on its quality and relevance before it’s included. For example, if I’m looking for “Diet Information” then I can go to a directory, browse the “health” category and then browse the “weight loss” or “diet” sub-categories to find what I’m looking for. Also, I will be reasonably certain that these websites will be useful and provide helpful information because the website has been manually reviewed by others. Link farms do not have any editorial guidelines and most websites submitted to link farms are “spammy” websites to begin with.
- Link farms are created for link building and FFAs are created for link building and email marketing, they have no purpose or benefit than their own. In fact, search engines do not even consider links from these types of directories – they literally have no value. Directories can be a fantastic resource for your website listings – providing benefits for you, as the website owner, and for visitors who are looking for information. Directories can be easily compared to the online version of the Yellow Pages – they provide categorized information in an easy-to-access manner.
- Link farms are lists of hundreds of websites on one page without any Page Rank, backlinks or traffic; they provide absolutely no value to any visitors that may accidently stumble upon their pages. Directories, on the other hand, are well categorized and provide plenty of benefit to the occasional web surfer.

Will my website be accepted in every directory it’s submitted to?

Not necessarily. There are many things that affect your website’s overall approval ratio; the submission guidelines, your category choice, the quality of your website and sometimes even the mood of the editor who is reviewing the websites. However, you can improve your website’s acceptance rate by following the submission guidelines of each directory that you submit to and by following our tips in Chapter 3: the basics ofdirectory submission.

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How long will it take for my website to be approved?

The approval time will vary greatly between directories. Some directories may approve your listings within a matter of days; others may take several months or more. Many directories list the approximate review timeline on the submission page.

Can I submit to hundreds of directories in one day?

You can, but this is probably not recommended. As with any link building method, keeping things natural looking is better. To search engines, it’s not natural for new websites to receive hundreds of backlinks in a short period of time. If you have an older website that is well-established in the SERPs, you may be able to build links more aggressively.

However, because directories approve submissions at different intervals, you may not experience any problems performing a large number of submissions at one time. Though, it’s generally recommended to do a minimal amount per day – around 10, and if you need to, submit to as many as 50 directories per day.

How will I know when a directory approves my website?

A lot of directories will send out emails once your website has been reviewed. However, there are a lot of directories that do not offer this service. So, it’s generally advisable to save the directory URLs where your website has been submitted and check the directory every week or two if you’re concerned with the acceptance ratio.

My website was rejected by a directory – should I resubmit it?

That depends. Some directories allow you only one chance to submit your website and if you mess it up – that’s it. However, most directories will allow you to resubmit your website as long as you conform to their quality guidelines. If you’re going to resubmit your website to a directory, you need to be 100% certain that your submission information and your website is in line with the directory’s submission guidelines.

Why is important to use different website titles and descriptions during submission?


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Really – there are two reasons for this.

1) It can prevent your website from being labeled as “spam” to search engines. Many search engines will look at a website that has hundreds of incoming links with the exact same anchor text/surrounding text as spam.

2) It can help you target more keywords for your website. If you use the exact same words to represent your website for hundreds of directory submissions, you are really robbing yourself of the potential increase in search engine rankings for a variety of keywords.

Will my website get banned by search engines if I submit to a “bad” directory?

No. The major search engines do not penalize you for receiving links from “bad” websites (Link Farms, FFA pages) – they penalize you for linking to bad websites. But, just because it won’t get you banned from search engines at this time doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to pursue links from bad websites. This practice should be avoided at all costs.

I have submitted my site to 500 directories but I got email from only 195 directories. What does that mean?


Because of return spam. All directories don’t send confirmation emails, Usually you can expect 40-50% directories send confirmation email.


Affordable Directory Submission – Save your hours.

We know you’ll have a lot of other things to do with your new website. Why not to outsource your directory submission Job to iNetZeal and spend that time in improving your product, service or developing your website?

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