Eliminate Guesswork From Your Marketing Strategy and Convert More Sales by Charles Kangethe - HTML preview

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Split Testing.

The concept of split testing is quite simple. It means that you take your original creative, also known as the control, and test it against alternatives.

Why would you want to do this?

Because it is the ONLY way to identify what “rocks,” your prospects and makes them part with their cash to buy your product or service.

When you, or Splitter’s web designer creates original copy, if you do not test it for all variables, you can only guess as to whether it is the best copy for converting your traffic and prospects into customers.

You have no way of knowing if the attention grabbing headline is drawing readers into the body of the copy. You do not know if your introductory paragraph is turning “hot prospects”

off and wasting all the time, effort and money, you have spent getting them there in the first place.

What about that image you painstakingly developed and put up in the top right hand corner of the table? Is it doing your product offer any favours? Well if you do not test, I can guarantee you will not know for certain. You will be guessing. It could be that removing that image or Eliminate Guesswork From Your Marketing Strategy And Convert More Sales With FREE And Simple Split Testing.


Charles Kangethe - ©2012 www.wealthcreatingprogram.com placing it somewhere else may assist your “convert more sales,” proposition. But you will not know without testing.

By testing alternative creatives against your original, over time you get “statistics,” that tell you clearly what prospects like and dislike about your website. You stop guessing and start homing in on what they want.

Your credibility rises and your trust building with prospects improves as you communicate more sympathetically through your web copy and creative. As your credibility and trust relationship building improve, so too does your “conversion of sales,” rate.

Let us now look at variants of split testing.