How to Create a Website - How to Make a Blog by Trevor - HTML preview

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Where to Start?

You Must Read the Next 3 Chapters

Your website or blog will need a plan, or a blueprint for its use. Something that


keeps your site on track! Such as,1) who is the site focusing on, or what is my


target market, and 2) what is it that I am going to be offering my customers?


Once you know the answer to these two questions, then you should come up with


your Mission Statement – A simple paragraph that states your moral code on


how you plan to take care of your customers.


Now you should be able to come up with a name and a domain name for your


site. It is not necessary, but it is best to include keywords in your domain name.


This helps in search engine page rankings.


Once you know the function of your website you will have a clearer idea about the


look your website should take on. Will it be a static website, a blog, a social


network site, or a simple information site, or a form of a sales page with maybe a


blog sitting in the background? Once you know what you want, then you will need to pick a WordPress theme.


There are literally hundreds of FREE themes to choose from out there.


First: watch the entire FREE WordPress 101 Video Series to get a good and


comfortable feel for WordPress and all that it has to offer. Then before you start


building your site, choose whether you are going to pick a Free or Paid theme to create.

WARNING: FREE WordPress themes are what practically every beginner

00013.jpgstarts with, simply because they are FREE, however, if you


plan to make money with your site, then I can't emphasize


enough that your next step will play a major roll in your




Before you act, I hope you really listen to what I am about


to say to you in the next couple chapters. You can either


learn from me and jump leap years ahead with your


00014.jpg“Learning Curve”, or you can blow off what I suggest and


most likely make the same mistakes that I have made. It is totally up to you...