How to Create a Website - How to Make a Blog by Trevor - HTML preview

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Knowing What I Know Now, What I Would Do If I Was Starting Over

Although there are some very good FREE themes to choose from, when you have


multiple websites, and if you plan to make money online, trust me, even if you


have no clue of what I am talking about right now, if it is your desire to make


money with your site, you will end up with more than one site.


I recommend that you spend a little money at this point and buy an already


customized theme. The advantage is this: if you just stick to one theme, you will


eventually become an expert at customizing that one theme, and therefore saving


you lots of otherwise wasted time, effort and money.


Paid themes have MANY options inside the dashboard that make them extremely


easy to customize. For example; you could be using the same theme for all your


websites, but you can make them all look completely different, just because of


the options that may be included with that one theme. That is Cool!


You may not understand right now, but that feature alone will save you so much time, frustration and money, that it is simply is a “NO BRAINER”.

I am not Saying FREE Themes are not Good, Because They are, but Let me Put it This Way:

My main site was developed from a free theme (but it was highly customized into


a Membership site). I didn't know how to customize it myself, so I had to hire one


of those high priced web designers to customize it for me and teach my wife and I


along the way. Here is the BIG MISTAKE I made, and I am simply trying to keep


you from making the same mistakes.


I have now spent over $1,700 on my FREE Theme. So I guess my FREE theme


was not FREE after all. And you know what, the web designer that designed it was


not an internet marketer so he really had no clue of what was needed on the site,


and neither did I back then.


You will have the same problem. You might know what


you want, and you may find someone to help you do it,


but only to realize months later that neither of you


really knew what you were doing and you wasted


00015.jpgmonths of your time and tons of money and the site is still lacking way too many


options that you now need. Why take the risk? Am I making any sense to you? So, what is the best way to do this stuff? What is the best way to learn? What works the best? 00016.jpg