How to Create a Website - How to Make a Blog by Trevor - HTML preview

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OK, Are You Ready to Get Started?

I hope you have received a good education about how to create a website


and how to make a blog using WordPress. I believe these


23-WordPress 101 Video Tutorials will get you up and


running Quickly.


00022.jpgYou get personal coaching with step-by-step training, on video, and it's FREE! You


can learn at your own pace and on your own time schedule.


And I hope that you have learned from my experiences with my website


building, that the advantages of customized templates are worth their weight in


GOLD. I am not kidding here!


So discover how to create a website or how to make a blog by simply obtaining


The FREE WordPress 101 Video Series, and be creating your sites almost


immediately.Seems like one of those“NO BRAINERS” to me! And in my opinion, Socrates will most likely take care of all of your needs, and


place you light years ahead of where I was at this same stage you find yourself.


Your Learning Curve may be shortened by months, and your pocket book, in the long run, will be the happier for it.