How to Make Money at Home Online by Trevor McNichols - HTML preview

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Guaranteed Website Traffic: What EVERY Internet Marketer Needs

Figuring out how to get guaranteed website traffic pouring into your sites is the BIGGEST obstacle every internet marketer faces. You can have the best products, the best price and the best website, but if you don’t have enough traffic coming to your sites, and if that traffic is not converting into sales, then you have a failed internet business.

There are many products on the market that claim to get you all the internet traffic you need, but unless you were born yesterday, I hope you understand that most of them are scams, or at best, fall way short of expectations.

So how do you know what is real or not real when it comes to driving HUGE amounts of website traffic? Well, the proof is in the pudding!

In reality, it doesn’t cost much to get yourself to the point to have a successful online business, what it takes is training, but when it comes to driving traffic to your sites, that is where you need to invest for your future success.

You don’t have to spend lots of money to get guaranteed website traffic, but there are certain tools you will need to buy, and as you can tell by now, I am a firm believer in following proven systems that work.

We battled on the internet and it was not until we started following proven systems, and we purchased some cool tools that helped us with our marketing, did we start to obtain the results we were striving for.

When you can build a list of tens of thousands of customers, or potential customers, your business will be taken far beyond anything you dreamed of (as a beginner). You will be amazed how the opportunities will open up to you.

How would you like to make $120,000 a month by working online at home? Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Well, I know of a 19-yr old kid who is doing just that. If a kid can do it, so can you, and so can I.

He says that “once you master the art of driving website targeted traffic, you will never worry about money ever again”.

Now think about what he just said. Once you learn all of the increase traffic to website strategies, and I mean getting lots of website targeted traffic coming to all of your websites everyday, he says that you will never worry about money ever again. He is 19 years old and already making more money than 97% of all people on the entire planet. If that doesn't get your attention, then nothing will!

So, how would you like to never worry about money ever again? The wheel has already been invented. You don’t have to reinvent it. The same holds true for the internet. There are those who have perfected the systems, so don’t try to reinvent them on your own. Simply follow proven systems that, if you just do the step-by-steps they tell you to do, will get you to where you want to go much quicker.

So whatever product or service you are selling online, the important thing isn't necessarily what you are selling, the important thing is getting people to your sites.

With proper training and guidance, and with implementing what the kid has taught me about driving lots of traffic to my websites, now I'm starting to get more and more visitors coming to my sites everyday. You can do it too! BUT, just remember, it takes time, so don't expect to make millions overnight.

Once you learn how to do what they teach you, that is when you will make money at home online. One day it just may allow you to fire your boss so you can live the lifestyle you now only dream of. In essence, to live The American Dream to the fullest.

Website Targeted Traffic Will Build for You a Massive List

When you have tons of website targeted traffic coming in from all angles, only good things can happen. Driving traffic and list building is the key to an internet marketer’s success. Talk with any internet marketer and you will quickly find that building a list of customers, or a list of those who trust you, is as good as GOLD to an internet marketer.

So how do you accomplish this? That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?

Once you have your site up and everything ready to launch, now you need customers. It seems most internet marketers forget that process. They wonder why people aren’t miraculously swarming to their new pretty site. Just like the 19 year old, when you drive massive amounts of website targeted traffic coming in from many different angles, you will have all the customers you will ever need.

The VERY BEST Ways to Increase Website Targeted Traffic for MEGA Profits

Get the phrase “Mega Profits” embedded into your brain, because without knowing all of the increase traffic to website techniques, you will never realize Mega Profits!

Even if you are a beginner, the main focus should not be on what you are going to sell; rather, your main focus should be on how to get people to your sites.

Most internet marketers seem to have it backwards. They worry about the product, website or service first, when in reality they should to be thinking about how to get people to their site.

So if you are struggling as an internet marketer, or wanting to become one, learning how to drive lots of website targeted traffic will be a major factor in your success. Focus on that part of the process first, or at least be working on it at the same time you are working on your product or website development.

In general, list building is a slow process. Building a successful internet business doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time, however there are ways to speed up the process, and that is by following proven systems that others have created that make this process easier.

Astonishing Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Every Internet Marketer needs to eat, breathe and sleep ways to drive traffic to their sites. More website targeted traffic needs to be the driving force behind every successful internet marketer. Why? Because without lots of people coming to your sites every day, you won’t make money!

I don't mean to keep beating this into your head, Well, but I want you to get it. It's all about the traffic! “The Money's in the List”

I have a question! Are you a beginner? I mean, do you want to discover how to make money online, but you really have no clue of where to start? OR, are you making some money, but you’re not making the kind of money you would like to be making and you know that the main reason is because you’re not getting enough people to your sites?

If you answered yes to one of the above, then if you’re a beginner, you need to follow proven systems that work, and if you already have a site, but you’re not making the kind of money you desire, it’s because of the same thing, you’re not following proven systems that work.

Like I said earlier, I was taught that you should ONLY take financial advice from those who make at least ten times more than what you make. Trust me, I have taken the advice of this 19 year old. Why, because he is making more than $120,000 each month, and monthly his numbers grow larger.

One of the very first things he teaches about how to drive traffic to your sites, is article marketing.

Internet article marketing is one key way to drive traffic to drum up business to your sites. The more articles you submit to internet article marketing directories, the better. And the more internet article marketing directories you submit them to, the better as well. Other than your time, this advertising doesn’t cost you any money.

My suggestion is that you consider purchasing Article Creation and Article Submission Software that will make this process much quicker and much more efficient for you.

Time is money! Obviously saving time on one task, yields more time to finish another. I am a great fan of automating as much as I can. I had a teacher once that said, “The less you do, the more money you will make”! Automation on the Internet is the perfect example of that statement; automate as much as you can, and the more you will make.

Article Creation and Article Submission Software will save you a great deal of time submitting to hundreds of directories. You will gain the exposure you need to succeed online all in a flash.

Here is an example of how two paid tools, working together, saves me loads of time. There are free versions of both, but I would not save much time with the free versions because the free versions are not automated. So this is a perfect example of how a total of about $150 saves me so much time and allows me to get so much more work done, that it pays for itself in no time.

One tool is for spinning my articles. That means it will give me up to 250 unique articles off of one original article. All 250 articles will be a little different, so there will be no duplicates.

Then I use a the other tool, an article submitter, to submit the articles at a push of a button. Well, it's not quite that painless, but once you have it all set up, you push a button and it submits all 250 articles to 250 separate article directories, all at once.

You have a choice, you can either use a free tool and submit all 250 articles manually, one by one, or pay a few bucks and be able to push one button and submit all 250 articles all at once. Which one is a “No Brainer” to you?

The wonderful thing about making money online is that the more tools you use for a specific purpose, the easier it is, and the less time it will take from your precious personal time.
I highly recommend that you spend money on certain tools that will make your life a whole lot easier, and at the same time, giving you the potential of making a whole lot more money.

Sure you can use free tools, and many free tools are great, but like my example, you will quickly discover that it will be better to purchase some of the paid tools, because many of them will do so much more for you.

Remember, they are designed to save you time and money, and if they accomplish both, then it will be money well spent.

If you have ever wanted to make money online from the comforts of home, or if you want to make more money than what you are now currently making, I believe the key is to be mentored by the very best. Put it this way, the more techniques you can learn for driving traffic to your sites, the greater chance you will have for success.