How to Make Money at Home Online by Trevor McNichols - HTML preview

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If I Had to Start My Internet Marketing Career all Over Again, What would I do?

I know many of you are just beginning your internet marketing careers. Many of you are out in the cold about how to become an affiliate marketer, or how to create your very first internet marketing website.

And yes, this business can be very hard to get started and many of you are probably discouraged, but I want you to know that once you figure it all out, it really is very easy. And once you earn enough to support yourself, then all the hard work will be so worth it!

If I had it to do all over again, I wanted to share with you what I would do to Make Money at Home Online. This might give you some guidance as to how to proceed. Of course it does depend on exactly what your goals and motives are, but this should give you something to think about and a place to start from.

What you must understand going into this is that it takes time to get your first internet marketing website up and running. If you are looking to make lots of money overnight, then keep your day job and turn off your computer, however, if you want to work hard, and stay the course for the next 12 months, then a year from now you just may be able to, not only fire your boss, but if you do all the right things, you just may be on your way to living whatever lifestyle you desire.
Does that get your attention? Are you willing to work long and hard to make this happen for you?

Some of you are saying yes, but you really want it to happen right now, don’t you? Well, if you want it to happen right now, then you have listened to too many scam artists out there. Nothing happens overnight and without lots of hard work.

Again, you have to roll your sleeves up to make this happen for yourself, but if you are not afraid, and you want to change four life, then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you pick and follow proven systems to follow.

Find the best of the best, buy what they tell you to buy, do what they tell you to do, let them train you, and you will start making money, and once you are making money, your focus needs to turn to driving more traffic to your websites so you can make more money.

Just keep in mind, you can make a lot of money working from home online, but you can’t do it overnight!


If you plan to offer your very own products (It‘s much easier than what you may think), I would start out as presenting myself as an expert in that field.

1. Blog - The first thing I would do is create a simple blog about myself. The blog’s purpose would be to share my expertise and interests with others, creating a trust between my readers and myself.
Blogging is a great "personality platform" for the world nowadays. You can post your content, get comments back, branch off into social sites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc., and start building a list right from your new blog.

2. You build your list by giving something important away for free to those who share their name and email address with you. It could be anything that has to do with what your blog is about. I'll explain in a minute.

EVERY internet marketer will tell you, the way to make money is with your very own list. “The Money is in the List".

So, you want to make sure you have an “Opt-in form on your blog to start building a subscriber list. Obviously, your blog will be no good without informative and important content, so you need to figure out what you can give away for FREE so you can start building your list.

It is important that you demonstrate two things to your new audience: First, that you know what you’re talking about, and Second, you need to establish your core values so people know what you’re all about. In essence, you need to build TRUST.

3. Offers – You can start this entire process without even knowing what you are going to be selling. Of course it helps if you know the Niche you are going into, but you don’t need a product yet to get started.

Let me give you an example: Let’s say your interest lies in raising earthworms. Then you need to show yourself as an expert in raising earthworms. Give your potential buyer FREE, Valuable information about all that goes into raising earthworms and you have the beginning of a list. You are building TRUST within that niche market and you will quickly find that trust will go a long way when working online.

Down the line, and I mean maybe even months later, then you offer a product that will help the people on your list raise earthworms. After you have proven yourself to them, they will be more likely to buy from you. Does that make sense?

Now you might be saying to yourself, “earthworms, who would be interested in raising earthworms”? Oh, but herein lies the beauty of the internet.

Worldwide, remember your market is worldwide. There may be thousands of people interested in raising earthworms, and by promoting yourself as an expert, and by discovering the internet marketing techniques to drive targeted site traffic worldwide to your blog, you would be surprised to learn that just by selling items to earthworm lovers, you have the potential of making a very comfortable income.

You might not think of yourself as an expert in earthworms, or an expert in anything for that matter, but when you follow good marketing systems, you will be shown how to quickly position yourself as an expert in the niche market you are entering into.

There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of little niche markets out there, and they all have HUGE potential to make you a comfortable living.

4. Repeat – Once you have the momentum going, and your making some money from that list, then just repeat the process. Either offer other products or services within that same niche, or branch out into other niche markets and duplicate the process.

These are just a few first steps, but there are many ways to increase targeted traffic to your sites. It’s actually an art form to master this, but once you master it, just like the 19-year old kid says, “you will NEVER worry about making enough money ever gain”.

Now some of you might think that is a bold statement, but you have to realize, once you master how to bring thousands of website targeted traffic to your sites every day, you would have to be doing everything wrong on your website to not be able to convert these targeted visitors into buyers.

Remember, we are talking about bringing targeted people to your sites who are only interested in what you are selling. Give them what they want, at a fair price, then making sales will become second nature.

I am going to say it again: “The Money’s in the List”. Practically every Internet marketer will tell you that. No matter what you are selling online, unless you have lots of people coming to your sites to buy, you won’t make any money. So the most important thing you can learn is how to drive massive amounts of traffic to your websites.

Here’s another important aspect of this business:

5. Be a good guy or gal – if you do, you will have an advantage. Why, because sadly there are lots of marketers on the internet that only care about one thing, and that is lining THEIR pockets with YOUR money. Many of them are happy to leave you worse off than when they found you.

How do I know this? Because for about 18 months, I found every single one of them.


So I urge you to be different. Be a person of integrity online. If you are, the visitors to your sites will eventually realize you are the real deal.

I personally can't scam anyone. I feel that all businesses should be operated with honesty and integrity. Strive to be a good guy or gal, bend over backwards for your customers, and be good to your partners and good things just may come your way.

Sure you will make mistakes. Realize them, and then work hard to correct them. The harder you work to make things better for everyone around you, the more rewards life will send your way.

It’s that simple!

Next we will share with you additional things I would do. Things I believe are even more important in my mind. Why? Because before you can increase targeted traffic to your Internet Marketing Websites, you need a plan to work from. Without a plan, you will just create chaos for yourself!