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More on Affiliate Marketing

Everything I’ve previously talked about is all well and good, but as a beginner, marketing affiliate programs of others is a great way to get started. When you learn affiliate marketing by some of the best internet marketers on the planet who offer proven systems that work, you will be way ahead of the game.

If you don’t follow proven systems, you are just asking for a lifetime of internet stress and you will never make the kind of money you desire.

1. Pick one or two of the internet marketing methods that you feel fit you and your desires, pay the fees of the marketers and get started. There is a learning curve to get over, but there are ways to shorten that curve dramatically.

Just start doing what these proven systems tell you to do. If your desire is to create many niche sites like I do, then you need to follow a system that shows you exactly how to do it.

If having hundreds, or even a thousand mini sites is what you want, then you need to follow a system that will show you how to do just that.

2. If you want to shorten the learning curve dramatically, then what I suggest is that you hire people to do the vast majority of the work for you. You don’t have to become an expert in every phase of internet marketing. There is simply not enough time in each day for you to become an expert in everything. Therefore, hire those who are already experts and just train them in honing their skills for your exact needs.

I know many of you are now saying, “how can I hire people to do what I don’t even know how to do myself”? And that would be a very fair question to ask.

There are some great places to go to outsource EVERY aspect of your internet marketing business. Once I found the right place, I just jumped right in and purchased their entire programs right from the start. All the training material I ever needed was included.

Hire those who already have an expertise in what you are looking to do, then train them even more pertaining to the systems you chose to follow, and you will jump forward light years ahead of where you would be if you decided to do it all by yourself.

The best part is; if you go to the right place, you will only have to pay each worker a few hundred bucks each month to do the work for you. If you can’t afford that, then please don‘t quit your day job.

EVERY successful internet marketer in the world subcontracts their tasks out to other workers. Why not start out doing the exact same thing right from the very beginning and be way ahead of the game?

“ THIS SINGLE” most important first step is the first step I would take if I was starting all over again - I would hire others to do it for me. Have these workers create your blogs, create your websites, create your marketing programs, create your videos, drive your traffic, even create your products for you, etc. etc. etc. What you do as the business owner is simply guide the ship…

I know you are still thinking, “I couldn't do that, I don't know anything, or I don't know enough”! And again, that would be a fair thought. But this is what you must understand...

Here’s the tip! You don’t have to learn all this stuff yourself. When you buy into one of the proven systems I keep talking about, what you get is a plan of attack. A step-by-step system that will show you how to do everything that you need to do to be successful.

Do you realize that you can buy a program and put the entire program into the hands of an overseas worker to have them do all the work work for you? All you need to do is just look the system over to get a good feel for it, then place the entire system into the hands of your outsourced worker. Let them learn it, and implement the entire program.

Furthermore, if you know you need a tool that will help automate the process and aid in the generation of income, buy it and then put the new tool in the hands of your outsourced workers to implement for you.

All you need to do it get a daily report from them, and then maybe once a week have a skype voice conversation with them to make sure everyone is working on the same page.
And here is a BIG surprise for you. You can hire a college graduate, already skilled in what you need, and you will only have to pay between $200 to around $400 dollars per month. Amazing, isn't it?

Just have them put your entire programs together for you, start making money, guide them, and a year from now, do you realize that you just may be able to fire your boss? It really is that easy if you work it properly.

A re you beginning to understand why that is what I would do if I was starting all over again? Just follow the right systems, have college graduates put it together for you as you work your day job, pay them their monthly fee, which employs a person who is thrilled to have a job, and a year from now, your life just may be changed forever! Are you getting the big picture yet?

See how you can quickly simplify the process of creating internet marketing websites, or marketing other affiliate programs at a pace that you could not complete by yourself?


OK, now that you are getting a good idea of where to start, I’m going to go back to what I said earlier – you need a good affiliate marketing strategy for finding proven systems to follow. Then once you find them, build your Internet marketing websites and follow what the gurus tell you to do. It is so important that you don’t get too much information at once. If you do, you will get information overload and get what is called paralysis of analysis. You will end up being so confused that you will end up doing nothing.

Just follow a system, do what they say, and don’t get side tracked along the way. One thing that every internet marketer does, even the good ones, is they try to sell you too much stuff, or they trick you by giving you tons of FREE BONUSES that really aren’t free, and most of the time they aren’t really any good anyway. Most are outdated and won’t improve your processes. All this stuff does is get you sidetracked.

They cram products after products down your throat. It’s sickening! What happens is you buy product after product and you never master the first one. Let most of their offers pass you by. Stay focused on what you are doing, and then get the job done.

But what happens is this; they send you an offer that makes it sound like if you buy today, your website will be flooded with traffic tomorrow. Don't fall for it.

The point I am trying to make here is this: When the time is right, then buy the different tools you may need to help your cause, but don't get side tracked along the way, it is too easy to do so.

Yes, I too send offers, but I’m not like all the other internet marketers out there. I only send offers that I have personally tested myself and I feel they may benefit you, or I might personally know the creator and know they can be trusted, or I use the products myself with great success and can personally recommend them to you.

When I find products that are working for me, then I would be doing my members an injustice if I didn’t share it with them. But, don’t spend the money until you know you are ready for that product.

When you create many internet marketing websites, and learn how to increase targeted traffic to your sites, and I mean lots of it, you will be on your way to a successful outcome.

And the most important tip I can give is this: You need a good plan, and a good Internet marketing solution that can turn that plan into reality. My desire is to help our members make money at home online so they can take their lifestyle to the next level.

A mentor is what I would have liked to have had in the very beginning. Instead of going at this all alone, I suggest that you need a mentor that will lay out a good Internet marketing plan for you to follow.

When you create many internet marketing websites, and learn how to increase website targeted traffic to your sites, and I mean lots of targeted traffic, you will be way on your way to a successful outcome.

And let me finish with this: There is a new 19-year old KID (KING) on the block, and as I have previously mentioned, he is already making over $120,000 each month, and monthly his numbers grow. Need I say more? If that doesn't strike your fancy, then I don't know what will!

Once you know what you will be selling, then the key is bringing people to your sites. Like he says, “once you master how to drive traffic to your sites, you will never worry about money ever again”.

I don't know about you, but I don't EVER want to worry about money EVER again, so I'm following his suggestions myself. You might want to consider following them too.