1. You ARE hereby granted the Rights to Give Away or Sell this Product at any price you decide and keep 100% of any profits.
2. You CAN sell this Product as a Stand-Alone product. You may also package this E-book as a bonus item to bundle together with your own product.
3. You MAY NOT market this product in any immoral or unethical manner, including UCE - unsolicited commercial email, also known as SPAM.
4. You MAY authorize other people to sell or give away this product.
5. You can GRANT resell rights to others.
6. You may sell the product, but not resell rights.
7. Any violation of this agreement will be subject to a revoking of this license in which case all monies paid will be forfeited.
8. This constitutes the entire license agreement. Any disputes or terms not discussed in this agreement are at the sole discretion of Interactive Solutions Limited or one of its authorized representatives.
Welcome and thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule to check out this product.
I have been wondering for some time now, how I can combine my professional skills as an Engineer and computer programmer with my years of Internet Marketing experience, to come up with a Product that can accelerate and facilitate doing business on the internet.
This product is especially targeted at those who are fairly new to Internet Marketing and especially if you are operating on a low budget.And now, after several months of planning, research and not allot of sleep, finally here its!
“Super Viral Rebrander” is a product that will help you combine the technique of Viral Marketing with the power of computer automation, to help you to build your Internet Business by getting access to more qualified customers than you could possibly reach on your own.
Best of all this system does not cost you anything to use and you get to keep 100% of any profits that you generate.You may quite understandably ask …How does this benefit me?
Well I am operating on the principle that if I offer my customers something of value to their business and they enjoy the experience and realize increased profits, then this will in turn build my own credibility in the marketplace and profit me in the long term.
A Win-Win situation for everyone…. Don’t you think?
So here’s looking forward to a mutually rewarding business relationship.
License Agreement..........................................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................4
Support Your Sponsor .....................................................................................................................................6
What is Viral Rebranding .................................................................................................................................7
How e-Book Rebranding Help Your Business…..............................................................................................8 Traffic Generating Methods ...........................................................................................................................10
Pay Per Click ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Using Safe Lists ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Search Engine Optimization.......................................................................................................................... 13
Blogging........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Link Building.................................................................................................................................................. 14 Affiliate Marketing ..........................................................................................................................................17
Using Clickbank .............................................................................................................................................19
Taking Rebranding One Step Further............................................................................................................21
Advantages of Super Viral Rebrander ..........................................................................................................29
Get Super Viral Rebrander Now! ...................................................................................................................30
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................................31 Referral Information .......................................................................................................................................32
Additional Resources.....................................................................................................................................33
Additional Products........................................................................................................................................35
ContentsPage SupportYourSponsor
I suppose you have must have seen various e-books being offered for free distribution as content, bonuses or even for resale.
This allows the author to get his content distributed freely and over time his name and products get wide distribution and recognition.
The next step was to allow each person who acquires the e-book to insert his own information, such as affiliate links, name and website information as allowed by the e-book creator.
This gave each person who received the e-book added incentive to distribute the reconfigured or Rebranded eBook to their customers, website visitors or mailing list.
Once more the author maintains enough original content so that his name, website and other branding is widely distributed via this viral method.
Howe-BookRebrandingHelpYour Business…
Is Website Traffic Enough?
We have all been told that getting hoards of visitors to your website is a sure path to success and financial freedom.
Well Yes and No!
Unless you have a clear strategy about how you will monetize the traffic, how you will relate to your customers your traffic will not bring you the results you expect.
So I would like to emphasize the concept of customers as opposed to visitors. As a matter of fact the term targeted customers is even more appropriate, since out objective should be to identify those “visitors” to customers who resonate with your offer and whose needs you are most likely to satisfy.
This is why the most valuable asset your business possesses is a list of your customers and prospective customers. I really can’t stress this enough!This is what all successful marketers know, and that is why they always, always ask you to give them your email address so that they can follow up on your interest and if possible encourage you to do business with them.
ContentsPageThe beauty of this approach is that the entire process can be totally automated through autoresponders. This service is provided by many companies but the one I really want to recommend can be found at Getresponse.com
Building and Using an Optin List So how do you go about building a list of customers? Well here are the steps.1. Set up a form on your site to capture information.
2. Your autoresponder provider will supply you with the details and the code needed to locate the form on your webpage.
3. When a potential customer reaches your website, offer to give them some compelling content like this e-Book for example, in exchange for their name and email address.
4. Set up your offer on a special page that is not normally reachable, or indexed by the search engines.
5. Make sure that email addresses are validated
6. In your first autoresponder message give your customer the URL to the Download Page.
7. A day or so later follow up with a thank you message and subsequently follow up with other messages with your business offers.
Pay Per Click
Pay Per Click enables you to list your site at the top of search engine
results by advertising on keywords that best describe your product or
service. It's a dynamic marketplace - the higher you bid, the higher your
advertisement will be displayed in the list.
You pay only when a searcher clicks on your listing and connects to your
site. You don't pay to list, you only pay for clicks or click-throughs. This way
you only pay for the traffic to your site, there are no other hidden costs.
Pay Per Click is not only available on search engines. Publishers can also
include PPC advertisements on their sites. For example, Google's PPC
Adsense product.
An account with a PPC search engine is a great way to drive targeted
traffic to your site because you only pay for actual clicks to your site. It
allows you to get maximum exposure in your Niche, while you control the
amount you want to spend on your marketing campaign.
There is however need for extreme caution when using PPC.
money or incentives to click through their results. Our advice is to steer clear of these search engines or programs as the clicks you pay for may not be the best quality.
The world of Pay Per Click advertising has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. PPC providers have become more sophisticated, providing enhanced account features. Such features enable you to select which countries you want your ads displayed in and in what language.
The Pay Per Click Guide provides an overview of several pay per click programs on offer. Each program is reviewed using the following four criteriaWarning about Cash Flow!
Here is the thing about pay per click. Even though you can be paying a few cents for your click-throughs unless you have a very well thought-out plan for how you are going to monetize your traffic, you can quite easily rack up thousands or dollars in PPC costs without getting enough sales to cover your expenses.
And even if you do make enough sales, it sometimes can take up to three months before Affiliate Programs like Clickbank will send you a check!In the meantime you are out of pocket 3 months of PPC cost before you can recover a dime!
My recommendation is that unless your monetizing plan is already working for you, and you have a three month budget you can afford to spend, you should concentrate on other less costly methods or lead generation methods that do not cost you anything at all.
If you think you are ready to jump into the Pay Per Click game check out the resources at the end of this ProductAre you one of the people online making a living using Safelists for your email marketing? I didn’t think so. Most people get very few sales from Safelist.
One of the biggest issues with Safelists is the fact that each one usually only has a few hundred members. Imagine getting the same emails every day, trying to sell you the same thing.
Now many people join as many lists as they can find, using the same email addresses for each one. So they will login to their email account once a day and delete all there emails, and then send their emails out to all the members of all the lists.
The issue here is everyone does this. So not only are you sending the same offer to the same people multiple times a day but no one reads them.There are services online that will sign you up to all these different Safelists and send your ads for you. The issue with this is they sign everyone up to the same lists so again you’re emailing the same people over and over again. But the service is happy, because they charge you monthly to send out useless advertising to people.
So at this point you may be thinking that all Safelists are a waste of time. But that is not completely true.One form of safelist that works are paid Safelists. If someone pays for something they take it seriously.
Now you need to find just a couple of Safelists that don’t charge you an arm and a leg. First stay away from Safelists that have a free membership and paid memberships. They are a waste of time. Also don’t pay over $15. Some programs try to charge $100 to $200 to join. It’s not worth it.
When looking for paid Safelists to join try and find ones that let you put your contextual ads and banner ads on their site. It is a perk and most of these sites have good traffic so you get people clicking on your ads.Another point to remember about advertising online is that no one advertising program is going to make you succeed online.
Use the Safelist advertising but also use all other forms of advertising you can find.
The more different types of advertising you use, the better the chances for your success.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results as opposed to search engine marketing (SEM) which deals with paid inclusion.
Typically, the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search-engines. This gives a web site web presence.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website primarily involves editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.
The acronym "SEO" can refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house.Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign.
Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design.
The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems, images, videos, shopping carts, and other elements that have been optimized for the purpose of search engine exposure.
ContentsPageAnother class of techniques, known as black hat SEO or spamdexing, use methods such as link farms, keyword stuffing and article spinning that degrade both the relevance of search results and the user-experience of search engines.
Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques in order to remove them from their indices.Blogging is a fairly recent phenomenon on the internet that can drive hoards of traffic to a website.
It uses that power of social networking so that persons of a particular interest group or niche participate in discussions and on-going commentaries on topics of interest to their group.
Because Blogs are so Niche driven, it provides a marketer with a valuable opportunity to offer products to this targeted group because you already know what they are interested in and what their needs and desires are.
If you have the knowhow and the circumstances, Blogging can be a cool way to make lots of cash
Link Building
Search engines are evolving all the time and routines for finding and delivering the most relevant content to their customers is improving constantly.
One approach the SE’s use to determine how important your website is, is to look at how many other sites have links pointing to your site (like referrals). The more inbound links the higher your site will rank, and if the links are from sites that already rank high, then your site will rank even higher.
The Internet is full of service providers that offer guidance on link building, SEO optimization and other online marketing strategies. Only with a single click you can avail a number of services-one way link building services, buy one way links and outsource link popularity.
Link building is one of the most preferred techniques of acquiring better search engine rankings. Usually the webmasters go for reciprocal linking to get easily noticed by the search engines. The advantages of using reciprocal link building are manifold.
It is one of the easiest and cheapest ways of building links. You don't need to spend lot of time in searching a reciprocal link. It is only a matter of sending two-three emails. Since it is a mutually benefitting affair most websites approve it easily.
Another advantage of reciprocal linking is that it you don't require to go to sites that are not relevant to you. You only link to the sites that provide similar services as yours.In case of reciprocal link building, you always have a reason to explain why you want to link to that particular site. You can also convince the webmaster of a particular site by emphasizing on the fact that reciprocal links will benefit both. Above all, the websites with which reciprocal links are established has a better page ranking that means they have more visitors than yours. So, it is likely that it will greatly help in driving traffic to your site.
No doubt, reciprocal linking is cost-effective but it is not above disadvantages. Unlike other processes like article and press release syndication, reciprocal linking does not give you external links.In case of article or press release syndication, you get new external links and if the content published is of good quality you are likely to get lot more new traffic to your site. This way you can improve your search engine ranking and get exponential links.
ContentsPageAgain, in case of reciprocal linking the popularity and performance of your site indirectly depends upon the site you are linked to. Often the sites with whom you want to establish a link has a higher rank than your site, so it becomes difficult sometimes in convincing the webmasters that are very strict about their rules.
Despite its disadvantages, reciprocal link building greatly helps in enhancing your website's performance but the real profits are to be had in getting high quality inbound links.ContentsPage
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