IOT Enabled by Amin Nagpure - HTML preview

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Careers in IOT


Like in the year 1999, when the internet was new, no one was exactly sure what to do about it, and how to make money from it. Then AdSense and affiliate programs came, and lot of people become millionaires

My career and many people like me, career just happened to us, we didn’t plan anything or nothing happened like we planned, i am a commerce graduate,  was not sure what to do in life, when I graduated internet was new, but nobody knew how can we benefit economically, I did a computer programming course since I was not getting a job, demand for programmers was so high, that they hired anybody who can just read and write code, then I got a job as a programmer, my salary was very high compared to other programmers because of study and practice I did,  I made websites for myself when I was doing job,  then got into website business and made money from AdSense and affiliate programmers, it is not like since I was a little boy, I always wanted to be an affiliate marketer or make money showing AdSense ads ☺, I have to constantly update with technologies to make money, since the landscape was changing very fast. I have to update or risk being left behind. I took opportunities as they came.

The reason we need little bit of planning to be better prepared for the challenges, some opportunities or technologies take time to learn, so by anticipating we invest our time in gaining new skills which can be beneficial to us in the future.

LOT of things started as something else but ended up something else; YouTube was started as a dating site, but end up being video channel where people share videos. Key is to get started as soon as you can and then world guides you where to go.

Technology can bring sudden disruption, your career may simply vanish, when 3d printers will be standard for production, many skilled factory workers will lose job, their career will simply vanish,

One thing I will like to tell, don’t totally believe to investment/ financial advisors advice, they just predict the future on the basis of past data, which is very irrelevant, future will never be the same as past, and plus they charge you fees for their wrong advice, learn little bit of economics and stock market and invest on your own. The reason these financial advisors and investment company made money is by using a bubble, they made money without adding any value to the society, when 9/11 happened finance was easily available and at a very low lending rate, these hedge fund and investment companies borrowed those money and used it to push prices of land and everything else,  since loan was available easy to anyone without even checking their ability to repay, there was sudden demand for goods which again pushed the prices of everything, that’s a long big story, how hedge fund managers, bankers exploited the situation made money, fled the country, and now staying on beaches.

I dislike people who make lot of money without adding any value to the society, they just make money by manipulating the system, and riding the people’s greed that money can be doubled in months

Google makes money by easing our everyday lives; Actors singers make money by entertaining us, you seen Bournville chocolate TV commercial, in order to eat that chocolate you must earn it.

Technology Careers are high in demand and well paying, it is also predicted to be so in future, long range career planning in technology is just not practical, just plan ahead for 2-3 years.

Currently companies are very busy connecting devices to each other, but we must understand what problem we are trying to solve, microwave oven connecting to refrigerator and refrigerator connecting to microwave oven is not solving any problem, money can be made in most cases only if we are trying to solve a problem or have a solution for a need.

Understand the need and then come up with a solution which can solve the need in better way

Mainly there are two types of IOT opportunity , consumer IOT  or industrial IOT, you can be an industrial IOT  expert and can help companies improve their efficiency, productivity, reduce or eliminate waste by automating the process.

Or you can create devices useful for general public, like that motorbike tracking app, health app and make a living out of it.

There is a website which provides online training plus practical’s and also provide tools required for those practicals

If you are very new, you can do course on

You can also find various courses in , but these courses won’t come with the tools required to do practicals

So it is better to get started with, and then once you are confident enough you can do your own stuff and buy tools from these other websites

In Spite of being a decade old technology, IOT is still at its infancy level, just like internet was at the year 1997, you can be next Google or amazon of IOT,

There are some problems in IOT in spite of being promising technology it is still not widely used, just like Webrtc,  in spite of very cool technology for video and audio communication, very few are actually using it.

Problems & Challenges of IOT implementation are discussed in next chapter