IOT Enabled by Amin Nagpure - HTML preview

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Problems and challenges in IOT


Everything is fine, why I need to change; people are somewhat resistant to change, even if that change can bring significant boost in quality of life, when life is going smooth people don’t want to change anything, people are busy with their family and day to day life, getting used to new technology which can improve life sometimes requires a little effort which people are unwilling to put, besides they are various problems in hardware design, antenna size and implementation

No Standard format
during internet revolution, there was somewhat problem of browser wars, but the whole ecosystem had a standard format, 90% of users were using windows pc, so developers had never a problem of running a website on windows pc, or Linux pc or mac pcs,

Problem is complexity of hardware devices, and there is no standardization of hardware devices

IOT devices will need a whole operating system, better computing power to do complex things it needs to do.

Devices need to be very small, plus powerful, and also has to have long lasting battery power or has to have consistent power source

Privacy Issue

Privacy at a risk is here, everything about you, like purchasing habits, your tastes, and even your poop details will be stored in cloud, there was experiment in Europe public toilets, there were sensors in the toilets and the data was analyzed, the experiment was done to test whether government can stop epidemic by analyzing the toilet data, that is can it warn about epidemic and take appropriate measures to curtail it.

Imagine if your toilets are attached with sensors, every day your poop is analyzed, your urine is analyzed for problems and its data is kept in cloud, although this data can be useful in case for your doctor or government, your health data can also be very beneficial for you, to understand about your health, but would you like the world to know what you eat on 15th march 2016, and how was your stomach upset on 17th march 2016 and you had gas problem on 28th march 2016. This is useful data for doctors and to you, to better understand your health but it can bring you embarrassment.

If all the public and private toilets are sensored, it can create data which can be useful for government to track an epidemic and detects health concerns and act accordingly.

Although government can say public toilets data  is not personalized, single individual cannot be pinned, but that’s bull shit, individual can be easily pin pointed.

According to Ayurveda 90% of health problems start with stomach, that is why all the Ayurveda medicine is targeted to stomach.

Your toilet data can help you improve your health, toilet data can help detect disease, you can easily track what causes your stomach to get upset, when your health problem started from which date, you started to have gas trouble and so on.

But you definitely don’t want whole world to know about your gas problem, which can easily be known, because whole of its data is stored in cloud.

When everything about you, your toilet data, your purchasing habits, your call details, your car details and everything is stored in cloud that is privacy concern

That’s why amazon echo, does not store data in cloud as of now, since that will be serious privacy violation, since the device is always on listening to conversation

Amazon echo is an amazing device, which has a very bright future you can know more about it on YouTube


Security & Hacking Issues

IOT is relatively very new technology, like windows was very vulnerable during 90s , same is the case here, an IOT device is part of your network, if a single IOT  device is compromised then whole of your devices of network can be compromised.

People mostly are common people they are not aware of hacking threats and most people can be easily social engineered into giving their passwords, people wants solution and would not like to learn all about security and social engineering, it’s not practical for common people to be master on everything, know details about electronics and programming, it’s for guys like us to design and sell totally secure and useful applications.

Many IOT devices will come without password, like you just type admin and password is blank, this is a big flaw from developer’s side.

IOT security is a different and huge topic altogether, but I will cover some basic and key points

IOT device is always connected to the internet that makes it accessible & vulnerable from anywhere